SSG Community Spotlight | Linabell Photography

Today's SSG Community Spotlight is Linabell Photography, located in Maple Grove, Minnesota. Are you a part of our private Facebook community? If not, click here to join! We would love to have you join us!

Here is what Angie had to say about her session!

Describe the session for us: "This session was shot with one of my upcoming reps for the 2019-20 school year. We were trying to capture some spring fun with some bright colors, despite all the snow we were still having here in MN into April!! 

We shot in my studio, playing around with different lighting setups. We used 3 lights for most shots (Alien Bee 400, an AB800, and an Einstein), mainly a beauty dish with a light in back, and a large octabox in front for some fill and a reflector for a few. "

Gear used: "I shoot with a Nikon D810, and used primarily my Nikon 24-70 2.8 lens."

What inspired the session? "I had her bring some outfits that we could play around with, and I had picked up the yellow 'Be Happy' shirt to go along with the bright yellow background."

HMU Stylist: "There was no hair and makeup artist for this set up, as it was very loosely planned.


Thank you for sharing Angie! You can see more of Angie's work on Facebook and Instagram!
