Why Showcasing Your Photography Products Is More Important Than Ever


One of the questions that I get from photographers all the time is “How do I book moreclients? I’m struggling to book clients because my competition is SO muchcheaper than I am and gives away all of the digital images!”

I’vebeen there. Most of us have if you’ve been in business for a little while! Infact, I used to be one of the photographers that was the cheap photographerthat gave away all the digitals on a CD. When I realized I couldn’t make aliving photographing high school senior photos for $50, I knew I needed tobrand myself properly if I was going to demand prices that allowed me to run asuccessful business.

But how…? How do you properly brand yourself as a high end, luxury photographer in an era where everyone only seems to want the digital images and still book them?

The answer: Photography products.

Lookingback to when I switched my prices from low to luxury pricing, I completelyattribute it to branding myself properly and a huge part of that was byshowcasing the photography products that I offered in business to prospectiveclients.

So let’s dive in to why you’re going backwards if you’re not showing off your products in a digital world!

Photography Product Templates

Photography Product Templates

Photography Products Are A HUGE Differentiating Factor

Whenpotential clients are looking at photographers, chances are they’re doing adeep dive on your social media accounts. They’re trying to figure out who theywant to be their senior photographer and why they should choose one photographerover another. While we love to post our beautiful sneak peeks and clientphotos, every other photographer is doing the exact same… It all begins to lookthe same to our potential clients.

Byshowcasing your beautiful photography products on your social media, it allowsyour account to stand out because it’s something that’s truly different thanwhat other photographers are posting about. This becomes a differentiatingfactor and is a huge selling point to why a client should book you over anotherphotographer. While it seems simple, it gives you an advantage overphotographers that are only offering digital images.

Showingyour clients that you offer products in addition to digital images is atremendous way to help separate you from other photographers that your clientsare choosing from. It may just be this differentiating factor that is thereason one of your followers books you over another photographer.

Clients Don’t Know What Custom Photography Looks Like

Let’sface it. When we say “fusion press album,” our clients have absolutely no ideawhat that is.

Youknow that they picture? A book that they got for one of their relatives onShutterfly for a holiday present because that’s all they are familiar with.

As theexpert, it’s our job to show them what custom photography looks like and topaint that picture for them. This is why I love posting flat lays of myproducts that I have designed with my clients at their ordering sessionsbecause it allows people to see what they get in physical product when they areinvesting in your photography services!

Becauseof this, I want to make sure that I am immersing my clients and potentialclients with beautiful product imagery. This gets them familiar with the factthat you have the ability to design and offer products that they can’t do ontheir own. I love posting product imagery to social media, featuring productson my website, client blog posts, client marketing materials like their inquirymagazine and even in the very first email they receive from me when booking.

The more you feature your products and collections, it familiarizes your clients with the experience you offer and the expert service that you provide for each and every senior.

Photography Product Templates

Photography Product Templates

You Sell What You Show

There’sthe old saying that goes “show what you want to sell” and it’s absolutely true.In an age where everyone is seeing their images on a screen, people expectdigital images because that’s what they’re seeing every day on Instagram. But,by showing your product images consistently, your clients crave having thoseluxurious products with their photos on them.

Therehave been so many times where I have had clients tell me that they want analbum simply because they saw it on my website or their friend’s album onsocial media. Plus, it is much easier to sell a collection when people see itall the time. If their friend purchased a certain collection and they see youfeature it on your Instagram feed, there’s a much higher likelihood that they’regoing to want that same collection or more.

I absolutely love being able to use the Custom Collection product templates because everything is super quick and easy to use. By having these ready to go with only a few quick minutes in Photoshop, I am able to showcase a ton of client collections and reinforce the amazing client collections I offer to help make selling collections come the time of their ordering session a million times easier.

Photography Product Templates

Photography Product Templates

Start The New Year Right

It’s a new year and it’s the perfect time to start marketing to a new class. Especially if you are in a market where you’re feeling like it’s saturated with tons of other photographers, I truly believe that showcasing your beautiful product shots is one of the simplest ways to help you stand out. Even though it may seem like digital images are everything, seniors still want photography products they can’t get anywhere else and it’s our job to provide them with quality products they’ll cherish forever.


Sean Brown is a photographer based out of Vancouver Washington and Portland Oregon specializing in high school senior portraits. He is also the creator of Custom Collections, a product designed to allow photographers the ability to feature their beautiful client product collections with ease while increasing their sales and brand presence without the stress of product photography.