What to Wear Wednesday...with Teri Fode

It's WTWW and Teri Fode is back with us to continue our Pantone 2015 Spring Colors theme for May! Teri is sharing about how to market your business in color...

"I absolutely love this month's theme of "Pantone Colors of Spring"! The 10 trending colors have been amazing to style and photograph.

What I would love to share with you on this "What to Wear Wednesday" is how I market with the trending colors in my business. I believe that as photographers we can become a huge source of inspiration and influence to our teens in what they select to wear in and outside of our studios.

Becoming known as a "go to" source or an "expert" in any given area is in part due to how we MARKET to our listening audience. I love colors and fashion, so each season I market both subtly and directly to my teens and their moms through instagram posts,  snapchat stories and my blog that relate to this theme.

Here are some ideas on how to start marketing your business as a resource and expert in the area of  color as it relates to both "fashion and style":

  • Reference the current season's pantone color whenever one of your seniors is wearing it (as in, your sneak peek or feature posts on Instagram)
  • Post videos referencing the season's hot color choices
  • Style a themed shoot with your models using one or more of the current trending colors and market it as such wherever you are online
  • Talk about the current Pantone color palette in your blog posts or as a special feature at the beginning of each season
  • Include the current Pantone color palette in a section of your Senior Magazine or marketing materials

Here are some recent examples of how I've applied the above ideas in my online marketing:

When I posted this photo on Instagram, I referenced Bre's ombre and also said this: "Notice the mix of Pantone's classic and scuba blue's in her dress pattern?"

Senior Style Guide

When these images of Zach  were posted on Instagram as a sneak peek, I inserted this into my posting: "I loved his style --- notice the Pantone aquamarine jacket!"

Senior Style Guide

This image of Aurora allowed me the opportunity to highlight her outfit like this: "Gorgeous Aurora in Pantone's spring yellow tone 'custard'!"

Senior Style Guide

This recent IG post of Mayra included this in my post comments: "Trending in Pantone's spring toasted almond. Gorgeous much?"

Senior Style Guide

And of course, it's always fun to connect your seniors with the color of the year so whenever I have the opportunity I mention it: "Marissa is stunning in Pantone's color of the year "marsala"---love her hat and socks!"

Senior Style Guide

When referencing the current trending color palette in your social postings, you are constantly marketing the fact that you are "on top of the trends" and over a course of time you will become known for being an expert go-to source for fashion ideas!

Don't forget about the power of video as well. I posted a video on my Instagram during fashion week in Paris specifically relating to the top 10 Pantone colors of spring. I custom created a color palette page as an intro to several of my clients and other images relating to each color. In addition to sharing this on my IG account I also added it to my Snapchat story and blog. Just another idea to use in your marketing if you are wanting to become known as a color and fashion-ideas expert in your own senior market.

Senior Style Guide

Have fun with the colors of spring and the upcoming summer colors! Mention them as you photograph them both verbally and in your marketing and soon you will be a color/fashion go-to resource!"

Teri, you are seriously a marketing QUEEN! Thank you so much for this post, and for sharing such useful tips!Lovely imagery, as always:)

Stay Stylish!Megan