Want to Specialize in Seniors this year? Set some good Goals for 2015!

Happy New YearI gave up on New Year’s resolutions years ago, but, if you’re anything like me, your vision for 2015 is filled with goals and dreams. I am a big goal setter and believe in them greatly!So, I wanted to start the year off by talking about some goals.If you are passionate about the Senior market in photography, and one of your goals is to Specialize in JUST doing Senior Portraits, then this is written for you.It doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen. There are MANY photographers all over the nation that have been able to hone in on the market they love most… SENIORS.So, let talk about three very realistic goals that can help you get closer to Specializing in Seniors.1. Start the year by letting go of at least ONE other genre of photography and refer it out…YEP, let it go. For me, the first genre I let go of was maternity photography. I just wasn’t my thing and I didn’t enjoy it. So I let it go. I started referring this out to other photographers. It helped my to stay more focused on the market I was trying to specialize in. I’ve never regret that decision.NS0000532. Focus on ONE high school in your area to market to.Yep, just ONE. You don’t need ALL the high schools in your area. You can begin to build a very successful Senior Portrait business with just ONE high school. Now, it’s important that you pick a high school that is YOUR market. If you have a high end boutique business model, then choose a high school that falls into that market category. If you priced lower than and desire more of a higher volume business, then choose a high school that would fall into that category. The high school you choose is important. The clients there have to fit your business model and market.80% of my senior business comes from ONE high school. This is how I built my name and my brand, with ONE school. Then, I chose other schools to market to. My business is very well known at only THREE local high schools. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but it keeps me busy a steady flow of clients and a fun and exciting spokesmodel program. I also constantly look to that “new school” that we will begin to market to each year. But it all started with just ONE school.3. Start a spokesmodel programI can’t tell you how much of an impact this has been for my business. It has been vital. It is the lifeline to my business. There are many, resources on how to run successful model programs. I would suggest getting a hold of one and putting it into practice. If done right, it will grow your business and put you on the map. It has been the single most significant type of marketing for my business.These are three simple goals. They work. I know because I have implemented them myself. They will move you toward your goal of Specializing in ONLY seniors. They can help you accomplish that in 2015._DSC3088 as Smart Object-1So go for it!Happy ShootingXoPati www.patipphotographyelementframeRevised