Top 5 Reasons NOT to miss PUSH

  1. INSTRUCTORS: The line up of the 18 instructors at Push Senior Photography Conference was INSANE. Having all of that talent in one place (including the attendees) is truly mind blowing. Do they all teach photography!? fudge no. They are teaching you how to run a successful business, from lighting, to retirement plans, to video, to work flow, to TAKING TIME FOR YOURSELF... they covered the gamut. And THEY TOOK THE TIME TO GET TO KNOW THE ATTENDEES. Yup, that's right. No one is putting baby in a corner at this conference. I heard real, genuine stories of successes and missteps, from the best of the best. They truly held nothing back. And their ULTIMATE success is for YOU to succeed.

  2. I won't name names, but a certain lady deserves a shout out for putting on the best conference out there. She has literally thought of EVERYTHING. AND, she spoils us all rotten. From, the meals, to the swag bags, to the treats (cookies, coffee, doughnuts), to the parties, and the PJ and DJ dance party and the shirts and the competition and the prizes and the fundraiser complete with professional auctioneer. SHE HAS THOUGHT OF EVERYTHING. AND...MORE. She is like a wedding planner on steroids. If you are planning on attending next year, get plenty of sleep before you get there and plan on gaining about 10 lbs. The food was off the hook and the desserts were UNAVOIDABLE ;). I tried, I promise. Forgot your notebook? no problem. She has a binder with everything you will need in it. Really, you can just show up with a few changes of undies and a tooth bush and you'll be covered. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if she has a few of those on hand as well.

  3. PODS- Think you're done learning for the day? Heavens to Betsy, NO. Grab your favorite drink and find your favorite photographer at one of the pods, where they can teach you their shooting style, lighting set up, etc. Then, get your camera out and shoot away. Mingle with your new found besties some more and head to the next pod. If you're up for it, Thomas and Sean can usually be found partying somewhere until about 2am, but best get some sleep, because we are doing it all over again the next day!

  4. The FRIENDSHIPS (happy face)- It is literally IMPOSSIBLE to leave PUSH without a crap ton of new friends. Even if you fell into a deep coma and missed the whole conference, a group of attendees and instructors would be by your side the minute you awoke with flowers, a swag bag and no doubt, COOKIES in the shape of little cameras... ready to give you their support, love and tell you all the prizes you anonymously won while you weren't there.

  5. GIVING BACK- The PUSH for a change scholarships. This year, we raised $18000 in scholarships!! The auction is hilarious and the auction items are THE BEST. It's honestly hard not to give every cent you have when you get in a bidding war with a real auctioneer and a bunch of your friends egging you on. Especially when one on one time with some of the greatest talent is being auctioned off. At one point, I think I just blacked out as I yelled out numbers.

If you are sitting there thinking, WHY in SAM HILL DIDN'T I GO!? No worries! PUSH 2020 will be OFF-THE-HOOK! It's never too late. I believe in you. YOU CAN DO THE THING.

EducationAnne QuadeComment