Tied Together...Creating Cohesive Brand Visuals with Braizen

Braizen BrandingThe New Year is fast approaching.  Have you been making lists, resolutions or just dreaming about getting your act together in 2014?  I know I have!  And as a result I have been working hard lining up classes to help you keep those resolutions so you can stay on track with me! So lets kick it off with one of the top things I repeatedly hear photographers struggling with...their brand and how to tie it together.Branding is one of the biggest pieces to most of our puzzles.  We may have a logo or colors we like, but now what do we do with those things?  How do we tie it all together?  Well, the genius mind of Ashley Jankowski of Braizen is here to educate you and to get you on the right track with those pieces.  Their work is amazing and very recognizable in this industry.  Two very prominent brands that come to mind are Stephanie Newbold's and Amanda Holloway's!  Both were branded by Braizen and both are FABULOUS!This class will take place in the Senior Style Guide Forum (don't worry if you are not a member as it is included with the class) and is limited to 20 lucky people.  Save $50 if you register before January 1st!Full details listed below! Braizen BrandingTo register CLICK HERE