Social Media...A Teen's Perspective | The Basics of Instagram

Hi everyone! My name's Hope Taylor and I am SO excited to officially be a part of the SSG team! I am 17 years old and a senior in high school, as well as the owner of Hope Taylor Photography located in Fredericksburg, VA! As your new social media expert, I'm thrilled to finally share with you my very first video about social media from a teen's perspective! I will be posting a video every month discussing my tips on how to use Instagram as a marketing tool for your senior clients. This month's video covers the basics: what your username should be, how to upload a full photo (instead of cropping it in a square), what a hashtag is (and how to use them) and more! To see this month's video, check it out in the forum HERE: hope it is helpful and that everyone has a wonderful week! Stay tuned for next month's video where I will discuss what to post, how to attract seniors to your account, how to gain followers and teen trends!Talk to you all  then!Blessings,Hope Taylor 2014-04-12_00032014-04-08_00012014-04-12_0028