One Phone Call And The Difference It Can Make

FEBRUARY - Issue 16 - COVERCover image provided by Stephanie Newbold Photography

 The beginning of something amazing...I cannot believe it was one year ago today that I called Michelle Gifford of Beauty Revived.  She had emailed me and asked me to be one of the 50 Most Beautiful Senior Photographers and participate in this movement.  I had known her online and really loved what she stood for so this opportunity was one I just felt drawn too.  If it is on my heart and it is for the good of the industry and promotes helping others...count me in.  Michelle just radiates these qualities.  So I called her back and together we realized we could pool our resources in an effort to get her message out there even further.  Remember we are always better collectively.  And so the Beauty Revived Senior Issue was born!  All from one phone call.  Two people just chatting and putting themselves out there sharing ideas and being vulnerable about their dreams and aspirations.I am very proud of how much Beauty Revived has grown in the last year.  The awareness and the community that has been created is quite simply amazing.  The best part?  Michelle has grown to the point that she now has a Beauty Revived magazine!  How awesome is that for growth.  I could not be prouder of her.  It is not easy to put your dreams out there on display so I give her major style points for moving forward and strengthening our industry.  And the bonus?  We have become great friends.Part two...and another phone callMichelle, Amanda Holloway and I had another phone call back in April discussing Amanda's idea of putting together a Beauty Revived auction at PUSH.  We wanted to create something that could further Beauty Revived's cause.  From that phone call, Michelle created the Senior Style Guide scholarship fund from the proceeds of the auction.  All of our speakers rallied together for not one night of auction but TWO!  I am still forever grateful for their generosity.  Our attendees were blown away by the items and services donated by our speakers.  I still can't believe I am typing this number...we raised $11,000 for the scholarship fund.  YES $11,0000!  That means there will be three $3500 scholarships awarded this year.  That is three teens who will have the ability to go to college with a little less financial stress.  Thank you to my speakers (Amanda Holloway, Christina Ramirez, Stephanie Newbold, Jen Bertrand, Brooke Daniels, Latasha Haynes, Craig Stidham, Jim Meyer and Dan Brouillette) and attendees!  This would not have happened without you.The Beauty Revived board will be selecting the three winning teens based on academics, community service and over-all real beauty.  So this brings us to my big question...photographers do you know a deserving teen?  We want to help Michelle and Beauty Revived find the three amazing teens who will be receiving this award!Full details about the program and how to submit can be found on the Beauty Revived website HEREI look forward to hearing who is selected and seeing all the teens featured in Michelle's magazine and reading their incredible stories.And to Michelle...thank you for being the type of friend that always makes me want to do better!And remember never ever be afraid to put yourself out there and talk about your dreams.xoxo,Vickie