On Our Radar | Madison Photography

Oh how this girl caught my eye! So strolling through Instagram one morning while sipping on my coffee and BAM! Bright, Bold, Fun and oh so authentic, Madison’s Instagram profile stopped me in my strolling tracks! I had to see more so I wandered over to her website to see what she was all about.

Hey Madison girl let’s chat!

- Tell us about you, what makes you YOU and the town you live in.

So hey, I'm a Wichita, KS based senior photographer. I have a heart for bright sunshine, bold colors and real smiles. My most prominent accessory is always cat hair and I live for authenticity. I also teach hot yoga! I've been a photographer for about nine years and full time self employed for five years. People ask me how I got into photography, the truth is . . . I have always had a camera in my hand. I always knew what I wanted to be. I never thought I would have my dream job at just 25 years old. I am so lucky! 


- How long have you been photographing seniors?

I have been working with seniors for nine years, but strictly seniors for the last four years. 

- What inspires you?

I am so inspired by bright light, colors, each senior being so authentically different. I love working with seniors to bring out their personality because each senior is so different! I also am such a sucker for a solid flower field.


- Do you have a model team and if so what advice do you have for someone trying to create a model team for the first time?

I have had a model team for four years and it's truly the best thing I have ever done for my business. It's not just about pretty photos, it's about making these senior feel confident. Creating a team they can turn to and make friends with is so important. We do lots of group shoots, group activities and so much more. My advice? Don't forget to have fun with it. Get creative with your model team, involve them, get to know them. Don't just think of them as clients. My favorite part is getting to know these models through the year. I look back at their first shoot to their last shoot and each one of them truly blossoms and becomes incredibly confident. Some of my models even go on to be roomates and become best friends through my team and honestly, that's what I live for! Connection is key. 


- What is your favorite style to photograph?

My favorite style is always crisp, bright, colorful and timeless. 

- What is your favorite location to shoot in? If you’ve traveled with seniors where is the exciting place you’ve photographed at?

It's so hard to pick a favorite location to be honest. Really I love anything with amazing light. But, I'd say anything with pink or flowers would be my favorite. I love having the challenge of making an "ugly" location look really magical! We do have a lot of amazing locations in Kansas, people are always surprised! 


- As self employed photographers we often fail to care for ourselves. What is your go to self care?

My self care routine? Well, one form of self care is a fresh squeezed margarita after a hot yoga class. But, I think what keeps me sane is a little more complex than that. When I am organized I truly feel calm. I work out of my home office, which some say is hard. I have created a home office space so reflective of my style so I can stay focused. I truly cannot wait to step into my office and start answering emails and edit everyday. Maybe this isn't totally self care but I have made connections with other photographers. I feel that having a network of people is important when it comes to working alone. Feeling alone isn't an uncommon thought in this industry. I am fortunate to have made some amazing friends to bounce ideas off of, discuss issues, talk about exciting opportunities and whatnot. It really keeps me going! Once more thing, you need time to reset. Do not feel guilty about setting hours for business! 

Madison can be found online at:




On Our Radar Contributor: Jennifer Rapoza
