Katrina’s Teen Team Journey...Part 5

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Hey friends we are back with another teen journey blog post! Can you believe that we are wrapping up another month of quarantine life. I have been getting a lot of things caught up in my business that would probably not have been getting done otherwise. I am so proud of myself I have blogged & pinned over 10 sessions! Blogging and Pinterest takes so much time. I definitely need to make sure I add this workflow at the end of my sessions from here on out. Because it wouldn’t seem like that big of a task if I blogged as I shot my clients. I have been updating Pinterest and I think I have figured out that platform, Finally!  Another thing I am really proud of myself for the changes that I have made on my Pinterest account. Pinterest might be my newest obsession. I started last month out with 5K monthly views on Pinterest and out of all the work I've put in over the last four weeks on Pinterest I am now up to 23K monthly viewers! Whoop Whoop! I also got my taxes done this month. That is probably a record for me!  

My team and I still haven't been able to get together for our spring hangout and photoshoot because we are still under a stay-at-home order but we have managed to still stay connected the best we can. I have chosen to really be strategic in what I am doing with my team right now because I don’t want to take the time away that I could be blogging and working on SEO stuff. I am def choosing to keep posting on social media for marketing purposes but let's talk about the fun stuff.  I hosted an online bake off!  That was really fun for the girls that wanted to be creative and participate in a bake-off. I kept it really simple. They had all week to upload their baked creation to Instagram stories and tag me in them! I then voted on the most creative baked goods. The winner won a $20 Amazon gift card and then about two weeks later we did an online scavenger hunt! That one was really fun! It was also over within 2 minutes. That contest went really fast. I posted the list in our Instagram group message and I told them they had to take a picture of all the items and text it to me with them in the picture. Oh my gosh it was done and over with within 2 minutes. It was insane! The winner said she was sweating from getting all the items and said it was really fun. I ended up picking a first and second place winner since the second person messaged me less than 30 seconds of the first place winner. They both also won amazon gift cards! They said it was nice having something to do besides just sitting on the couch and doing homework all day. 

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I also got everything wrapped up for my 2020 Senior Team. We got all of their graduation announcements cards all designed and approved so we're now just waiting for our state & labs to open back up and at that point we will re-evaluate if anyone's graduation party date has changed and if so we will make those adjustments and then get those ordered. 

I know once we can go back to shooting I will be busy photographing teens and senior and editing! So right now I really just want to focus on the task that I would not really get the chance to do. This can be different for everyone. I choose marketing, blogging, Pinterest, SEO. I choose to use this gift of time to plant seeds so that I can watch them flourish in the next few months. Oh my gosh how could I forget I’m also going to be spring cleaning the studio before this stay at home order ends! I’m kinda excited about it! I’m usually in a big rush to clean the studio but this time I have nothing but time on my hands and ya girl loves a good cleaning! 

Last but not least I'm also doing a huge giveaway right now with my makeup artist and my hair stylist. We have all come together and we're doing a senior or teen experience. That's been driving a lot of traffic to all three of our accounts during this time.

Next week I'm probably the most stoked because I have been grinding for a solid 5 weeks on marketing, blogging, pinterest, and SEO but this next week i’m going to spend the majority of the week working on my own personal projects! I’m going to try to not feel guilty about it and just enjoy this week.

I hope you guys are all staying safe and we will be back next month. Hopefully we will be able to be out shooting again and things will be looking up for us, so take care guys. 

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