On Our Radar | Adam Hommerding Photography

Welcome to the third installment of our new column “On Our Radar”Is there a photographer whose work you find yourself going back to again and again?  Maybe you have never heard of this photographer?  Perhaps they are “flying under the radar”?  It happens but I want to find those photographers. I want to celebrate their work.Each month we will be featuring an artist who is inspiring others, who may not necessarily be someone you have heard of.  From time to time I will be enlisting the help of the SSG community to nominate an artist.  I want to hear their story, share their triumphs and hear what they are doing to make this dream of theirs a reality.  We can learn from others whether it be through inspiration, education or everything in between.This community will only get stronger if we are there to uplift and give as many people as possible a voice.Our “On Our Radar” artist this month is Adam of Adam Hommerding Photography.Nominated By:  Amanda Holloway"Adam is an amazing photographer with an eye for design.  We have personally implemented one of Adam's designs in the January 2016 issue!  Expect to see more from him at SSG!"-Vickie Black, Senior Style GuideAHP_3In Adam's words...1.  Tell us a little about yourself...the things that make you YOU!

I am a photographer + graphic designer located in Minnesota. I recently married by best friend, Amanda, and we are both obsessed with our fur child, Berkley. You better like the occasional… wait…weekly dog photo if you follow us on instagram!
2.  How long have you been shooting seniors?
2016 will be my 8th year in business. Seniors have been my main focus since starting Adam Hommerding Photography.
3.  How has the industry changed in that time?
Each year I see more and more of a shift in the way seniors respond to our brand. Being a resource and offering inspiration for all aspects of their life thru our marketing has continued to be more important each year. Being a photographer is so much more than just creating great images now. I love that and hate that some days. It’s a tricky mix to get used to!
4.  You are the genius behind Modern Collective!  Tell us about it and why us senior photographers need to take notice!
Genius? I think that’s a bit much! :) I by no means feel like a genius. The Modern Collective was created in 2011 after I continuously receiving requests from fellow photographers for the marketing designs that I was using to promote the studio. I saw a need for clean, modern, but still stylish templates for senior and family photographers in the industry. The Modern Collective was built around that. I’ve always had a passion for design. Being able to share my knowledge of the industry and designs with other photographers through The Modern Collective has been incredibly rewarding!
I’m so thankful for our partnerships with Millers Lab, Mpix, Amanda Holloway Photography, and other great senior photography industry leaders like Senior Style Guide for their help in growing our little shop into what it is today, and I’m so excited for what is ahead for us!
5.  Your adjective is?
I had to poll my friend on this one… her first word was ‘giggly’. As much as I hate to admit it, she is right… I laugh when I’m happy, nervous, angry, frustrated. I laugh all the time… Sometimes it even get’s me in trouble. Let me explain: In college we had a random person come to our door and ask if we saw his black schnauzer. Being the nervous giggler that I am, he really thought we took his dog and repeatedly ask ‘why are you laughing? It makes me think you have it’… it took some serious convincing by my roommates to get the guy to leave. I wonder if he ever found that dog? He probably still thinks I have it….
6.  Your super power is?
King of over-shooting! Wait... that isn’t a super power…. I’m working on it!
7.  What was your facepalm moment in the senior industry with your business?
I spent three days in Texas working one-on-one with Amanda Holloway this past December. Enough said? But really, Amanda's knowledge and insight into this industry is impeccable. A few small changes to things we were already doing in our business are going to make such a huge difference this year.
8.  In 5 words describe 2015
Life-changing. Chaotic. Rewarding. Tired. Exciting. (all the highs and lows of the year rolled into those five words)
9.  What are your top 3 goals for 2016?
Simplify. Focus. Do Great Work - 2015 was a year of a lot of exciting changes and new things for both the studio and The Modern Collective, but things got a little crazy. My goal this year is to reign in all the crazy and get better control over both brands. That requires delegating more, something I struggle with every single day! Just ask my wife. I’m up for the challenge!
10. What is the one thing you want all of us to know about YOU?
I’m a huge believer in building up the industry and helping others. I value all of the relationships I’ve built in this industry. I love being able to share anything I can to help other photographers grow their business just as others have helped me over the years! Nothing is more inspiring and energizing than seeing my friends and fellow photographers succeed!
Be sure to follow Adam on Facebook and Instagram!  And don't forget to check out The Modern Collective's Website, Facebook and Instagram as well!