Growth And The Changes To Come...Instagram

Change Is Good For Everyone...Part 1This will be a two part blog post addressing some fun and exciting changes coming to Senior Style Guide.  There is a lot of information to take in and that is why I am breaking it up into a 2 part post.Over the weekend I hinted at some changes that are coming to Senior Style Guide.  If you know me, then you know change terrifies me!  However, I am very excited about these changes.  Maybe change isn't the best word.  Let's scratch that and call it growth.I get asked all the time "What is you plan for Senior Style Guide?" Simple:  To give photographers a voice to be seen and heard.  To feature work from as many photographers as possible in this industry.  My belief always has been and will continue to be "all photographer's have something to contribute, whether they just opened their camera box or have been in business 10+years."  We can learn from each other and we can be inspired by each other.When I started Senior Style Guide almost 7 years ago, I had a dream that I could get everyone heard and seen.  This would later take on many forms beyond the blog as we grew.  My hope was and still is to feature as many people as possible.  But there have been some hurdles along the way.  But they were only that...hurdles. Not roadblocks or road closed signs!  Even when our instagram was hacked for 7 months it was only a hurdle.  We came back and have spent time thinking through what the future of the account will be!

Instagram...Instagram is an incredible image sharing platform and I want to see your images and get them out there to our audience.  The problem in the past, has been you can really only feature 1-4 photos at most in a 24 hour period.  The initial fear was flooding people's feeds and they unfollow you. Sound familiar?  It is like every photographer's worst nightmare!  Then there is the issue of who to select?  What images will be featured each day?  I want to feature a 100 a day but that sadly is not an option at this time.  However, with the changes to Instagram, I want to open that number up and expand our reach to YOU.So in order to maximize exposure for all levels of photographers, I am going to be implementing some changes...
  1. #ssgdebut I am introducing #ssgdebut for the photographer who has not been featured on our account in the last 6 months.  Simply use #ssgdebut and I will be personally checking the hashtag to feature newer emerging photographers and photographers who may not have been featured in a while.
  2. Video Yes this is a genre that is not being featured currently on instagram in the senior world.  @seniorstyleguide will now be featuring your video clips you put together for your client films, your brand films, etc. To get this to us for consideration, please email me at and in the subject line put instagram video submission.
  3. Why submit to SSG?  Because we want to feature your images and be the account you continue to look to for inspiration and of course to be featured!  Your image is going to be put in front our our audience with a current reach of 28.1k.  We want your senior client, your video and your talent to get the maximum exposure out there! 
  4. Daily Favorites  Since November I have been testing the Daily Favorite idea in the Senior Style Guide private Facebook group.  I have decided to take submissions only in that group for our Daily Favorite feature and will be putting a call out tomorrow in the group.  I will be featuring a Daily Favorite on our Instagram page now instead of in the group.  Again, I want your image to get the maximum exposure it can.  I will be posting daily favorites to instagram on May 1.  If you are not a member of the Senior Style Guide group on Facebook Click HERE.   This is the place for FB live with your favorite photographers, support, education and just a wonderful group of photographers who build you up instead of tearing you down.
  5. Instagram Features Don't worry, Liz and I will still be on instagram scouring the #seniorstyleguide hashtag and those who tag us at @seniorstyleguide for images to highlight throughout the day.  That is not changing!  So keep them coming!
  6. Change Is Best When There Is Ice Cream  Ok maybe that is totally not feasible, but how about giveaway's?  Throughout the rest of 2018, I will be selecting one featured image at random each month to give a prize pack too!  In order to be eligible, you need to be featured.  So all you have to do is make sure your image or video is put in front of us!  Simple right?  Think your image + @seniorstyleguide makes your client famous.  Once they are famous, they rave about YOU!

My goal always has been and always will be to make Senior Style Guide your place to be heard, seen and valued.  Submit to the blog, the magazine and instagram.  Come hang out in our private Facebook group and be a part of the conversation.  I want to discover new talent and this is yet another great way to do that.  I will be writing an article soon about how to get published and the Do's and Don'ts.  To assist with any questions you might have.Again, I want you to know you can reach at any time with ideas or helpful tips as to what you would like your SSG to be.  I try to open as many things up for this community as possible by taking polls and asking questions like Who do you want to judge the HOT 100 (yes that is coming up)?  Or Who do you want to see speak at our upcoming conferences?  I have always wanted Senior Style Guide to be the best community it can be and to do that,  we need to be open to change and growth!  I look forward to seeing your images at SSG.xoxo,Vickie