Feedback Friday...Amanda Holloway Transform Editing Tutorials

Amanda Holloway TransformI purchased this set when it was first released and I have to admit...Amanda has done it again.  I was blown away by the almost 6+ hours of informational videos.  Not only does she assist you with making a perfect edit...she hand holds you through her process.  Ever wonder how she edits her black and white images, her bold color edits, fashion tinting, or most importantly her skin tones?  It is in this video set.She even has a basic introduction video to help beginners who may not know their way around photoshop.  This video will not only help you set up your desktop workspace in photoshop, it will introduce you to layer masks, levels, brightness/contrast layer, hue/saturation, the patch tool, spot healing brush, clone stamp and marquee tool.Everything necessary to achieve an amazing edit is included.  Amanda shared it all from her vintage edits to her skin edits.Speaking of skin edits...she includes her skin tone correcting actions.If you are wanting to step up your game in the New Year, this is the video set to purchase.  But be is long and informative-a true investment in your business!  I catch myself with informational videos checking the status bar to see how much more time is left, I did NOT do this with these videos.  There are 13 total and I was too busy doing what was presented during the videos to be checking the status bar. All the while amazed at how my image was transforming before my eyes!Here is an example of a SOOC, Bold Color Edit and a Softer Edit...Before




After Vintage Start


Or if you prefer to compare them side by side...

Amanda Holloway TransformTransform is only available until January 1st!  Do not miss out on this, I promise you will regret it!To get complete details and to purchase CLICK HERE!