Eye on Fashion|Make a Statement!

We are a week or more into the new school year. Fall is slowly making it's appearance. It is time to transition our style into the season! A great way to move from Summer to Fall is with jewelry and color! I love warmer colors for the fall. Oranges, yellows and reds are great colors to add into an outfit with accessories. In the summer I love pastels and bright pinks, greens and blues. These are still great for the fall too!

A great way to add color is with jewelry and what better way than with a statement necklace! Big colorful jewelry can add a pop of color that can finish an outfit perfectly!  I love to use the necklace to connect to other colors in the composition or as a pop of color in a close up! Don't forget to tell your senior to bring their jewelry!

Statement necklaces
Complimentary colors look great with accessories and create  pop! Try orange/blue, red/green or purple/yellow!