Eye on Fashion| For the Love of Light AND Fashion

As photographers it is widely known that we are chasers of light. I personally am watching and looking at light ALL DAY LONG. I am constantly thinking how would I shoot in this light or WOW!, I wish I had my camera and an awesome senior right now! Ha! It is sort of an obsession you could say. Well, today's post is all about light! I wanted to share a few images that I took that show how light can enhance an outfit. There are certain items that can really be highlighted(no pun intended) by how a subject is positioned. Here are a few of my favorite images where I truly chased the light and loved the result. I wanted to show the evolution of light and how it can change quickly.I hope you are inspired! - KRISTIE

With these first two images we were dealing with CRAZY wind. I knew that I wanted to use the scarf and the light together so I combined the wind and light and created these. Remember that accessories don't always have to be worn. They can be a prop or something fun to twirl, wrap or dance with! The shear qualities the scarf had really glow in the light.

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Another example of using fabric with the light...this image is subtle, but I wanted the beautiful romantic feel of her kimono to show. I position her so just a bit of light could peek through right at the bottom adding a glow and showing off the colors.


Bokeh! When I saw the light coming through the trees here I had to catch it! It only lasted a few minutes and then it was gone, but I love the dreamy look it gives.  Shot with a Nikon D800 85mm 2.0


This one was the very end of the bokeh light. It was fading fast and right before it disappeared it gave me the most beautiful colors. I love how it shows her beautiful lace details in her shirt here.


And as it disappeared it became so soft. Just beautiful and perfect for Kaylyn's romantic look.


Another way I like to use light to create interest in my subjects outfits or accessories is by a rim or hair light. It is all about where you position them. This model had her back facing the light, but it was slightly to the left of the image. It gave a beautiful glow around the edges of the flower crown and framed her hair just perfectly.


And then, it was gone, but just before it disappeared I grabbed this awesome silhouette of Faith and her stunning lace kimono. I just love the texture and pattern of the lace and the light shining through!
