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“Deleting Facebook cause Mom’s on there  #seeya #mylife.” <-- true TweetI love Facebook. I’m a 38 year old, mother of three. My friends and I connect. I share my pictures HERE. I AM the average Facebook user.Our senior high school clients, however, are NOT the average Facebook users.And this post is for those like me. Those who need to branch out with their social media marketing. Those who fear tweeting. Those who fear… the #hashtag.Recent studies are proving what the teenagers are already telling their fellow tweeters. Facebook (for teens) is going out. Twitter is where it’s at! Yes, many teenagers still have a Facebook page, but how often do they post? Go through your list and do a little research. They probably don’t post too often. Maybe they are tagging some pictures or saying something happy that would make Mom proud.  Meanwhile, they are tweeting about school, sports, Justin Bieber, food and their really hot math teacher.Facebook is still very relevant to senior photographers. Don’t underestimate it. We need it to market to moms like me. But, you also need to connect with your prospective teen clients.So, buckle up.Step out of your comfort zone and visit Twitter. You can do it.I’m not claiming to be a Twitter expert, but I’d love to help get you started! In the spirit of back to school, I’ll even give you a little assignment at the end of this post.Setup:It’s easy! Just like setting up your Facebook profile. Be sure to add a profile picture. You can also customize your homepage. Here is mine. Know your abbreviations:RT=retweetMT=modified tweet@ - use before adding a username# - use the hashtag to spark a conversation about something relevant to your business or use consistently after posts to lead others to your page. For example, post #2014seniors #photography at the end of your tweet and you will draw followers who are interested in senior photography. Twitter Tips:Thank others for RTs!Follow people back.Ask questions to stir conversations.Use Twitter to promote blog posts, Facebook or Instagram posts.Follow experts in the senior photography field.Post between 5 -6 p.m.  or 8-10 p.m. for optimal impressions. Weekends are also better than weekdays.Post often. Trust me… the teens are posting all of the time! Now, with all of this said, I admit that I also need to tweak my Twitter skills. So, here’s the homework. If you don’t have a Twitter account, set one up now. Then, search for Senior Style Guide and FOLLOW. Retweet the link to this blog. Then, find me and follow me. I pinky promise I’ll follow you back AND thank you for retweeting my link to this blog post! Tweet, tweet.