Eye on Business | Show Off With a Promo Video!

Welcome back!  Grab a beverage and a seat because you'll want to stay awhile.  Following  Jodee's lead from Tuesday's "Lights, Camera, Action!" post, today it's all about promotional videos.  But, it's time for us photographers to get out in front of that camera!  In an industry where one can get lost in all of the trends, a promotional video is definitely a trend that may well be worth the effort.  Promotional videos have been shown to drive more traffic to businesses' websites (increasing SEO), helps to create a controlled buzz for your brand, and instantly adds value to your sessions.  You can give your potential clients a small taste of what you will offer them!So let's go through the creative process of what exactly goes into a promo video:1.  Determine the goal of your video.

  • Show potential clients what your sessions are really like, how much fun they will have, and what services you offer (hair, makeup, styling)
  • Introduce the clients to you, their photographer, and just what it will be like to be in front of your camera

2.    Develop your vision for the video.

  • Music, concept, location, style, models, sessions....I can go on and on.  
  • Do you want it to focus on a session(s) or on you as the photographer?  Or both?
  • Do all of your hundreds of ideas (and I guarantee you'll have at least this many!), reflect your brand or will they confuse potential clients?

3.  Choose a videographer.

  • Just as we photographers know that we should not be chosen solely based on our price, neither should videographers! You get what you pay for, right?  Each of you {as creatives} will come with your own ideas so make sure to check out their portfolio before hiring them and meet with them to see if you'll work well together so that the finished product will portray your business just how you want.
  • Make sure that you communicate your vision for the video in very clear terms.  Tell them what you like and what you don't like, show them examples of each.  They aren't mind readers and shouldn't be expected to be one.

4.  Choose your models, locations, concept, etc.

  • Once you determine what type of session you want to showcase, you'll know what kind of models, location, wardrobe, etc. you'll need.  Put a call out on your FACEBOOK page and website/blog.  You'll find plenty of interested folks, I'm sure of it!  
  • Make sure you draw up a contract and meet with models (and guardians if under 18) well in advance to go over the terms.
  • Choose models that know your vision and want to help you to achieve it.  It can be quite the challenge to photograph large groups and keep everyone focused, but it's well worth it in the end!

I won't go into detail about the actual filming because that is so specific to your own video.  However, always plan for the unexpected...Bad weather, sick models, broken equipment, etc.  BUT, enjoy the filming!  It really can be FUN!!5.  Share it, baby!

  • Make sure it's in a user-friendly format so that you can upload to all social media outlets.  Tell your videographer where you plan to post it.
  • Post that gorgeous piece of film production on your website, blog, facebook, twitter, instagram!
  • And don't forget to ask your friends and fans to share it as well!  Make it easy to share and offer an incentive to do so...

The process will not and should not happen overnight.  From planning to executing to finally watching the final video, it can be a long wait but it's something that can propel your senior business instantly!  To help get you started, I put a call out on the SSG facebook wall for some great promotional videos and wow, did you respond!  Check out these awesome videos and show them some love.Suzanne Mellott PhotographyRenee Bowen PhotographyFisch Ink PhotographyAndi Artze Photography - 2A PhotographyCoco.laine PhotographyMackenzie Lee PhotographyVarsity & Co.EMP StudiosParker PortraitsJoin me over on my WEBSITE or FACEBOOK to chat, I can't wait to see your very own promo video!Here's a quick snap during my own promo!