A South Dakota

Today's featured senior session comes to you from Shalista Photography of Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Here's what she shared with our readers about her session around the city:

"Emily wanted a carefree session so we spent a few hours adventuring around our city. It was important for her to incorporate her dad's truck, so we found an amazing spot in the country to finish the session. Emily is absolutely amazing inside and out and was a joy to photograph.

Emily's carefree spirit and style led the direction of the shoot. Being able to use an amazing prop, like her dad's truck, allowed us to style and plan outfits to match."





Beka Gillespie Hair and Makeup Artist

I love the variety you offered her in this session!

Let us know what you love then head over to Facebook or Instagram @shalista to see more senior work from Shalista!
