A Florida Senior Session

Today's featured session comes to you from Kristina Houser Photography of Tampa, Florida.

Here's what Kristina shared with us about this beautifully lit session:

"From the second I saw Anna's tiny profile picture thumbnail, I knew this was going to be an epic shoot. She possessed that certain something, which I believe all photographers secretly hope their Senior will bring to the shoot. Once we finally met face-to-face, while Anna was having her make-up done before the shoot... I am pretty sure that I squealed aloud with excitement. Then she stood up. "Wow! you're even taller than in your photo!" I struck gold. An 18-year old with poise, a passion for art, and the face of a supermodel.

The session was a breeze. Her mother and younger sister came along to root her on. We went to Downtown St. Pete and set-up in front of a museum. Once we found the perfect spot to start, I took a test shot to check my exposure. After peeking at the back of the camera, I quickly put it down in the grass, walked past her mom and signaled, "let's wrap this up, we are done here." I was being silly, of course, but Anna NAILED this shot and it just got better from there.

With my encouragement Anna brought her prom dress along - which made mom happy to see her daughter back in a dress she had invested so much money in! We threw in some tulle and had some fun! I had her throw it and pose...throw it and pose... until we got the shot. We also did some more casual poses and trendy clothes, complete with head-pieces, flowers and a ukulele! I always strive to show the Senior's personality through my work. It is about freezing this special transitional moment of their lives in time.

I used my Nikon D600, a 50mm 1.8 and my 24-70mm 2.8.I was wearing a white shirt, which worked great as a reflector while I was shooting into the back-light! I literally used no other light source or reflector during this shoot. Just exposed for the scene as the sun went down."


Love the prom dress shots!!!

Be sure to check out more senior sessions on Facebook or Instagram  @kristinadhouser after  you leave us your comments here on the blog!

Keep those fabulous sessions coming our way :)
