What to Wear Wednesday...with Mindy Vande Griend

It's WTWW and this week we have Mindy of MVG Photography joining us to encourage us to not fear hats!

"HATS, HATS, HATS!!  I am in LOVE with them!  In fact I might even go as to say I might be obsessed with them!  What better way to change up an outfit and go for a different look that with a hat??  "

Senior Style Guide Senior Style Guide Senior Style Guide Senior Style Guide Senior Style Guide Senior Style Guide Senior Style Guide Senior Style Guide Senior Style Guide Senior Style Guide

Loving all of those hats! I often feel like my seniors fear hats...like, they look at me like I'm insane when I even mention a hat! So I always tell them "It's ok, let's shoot a couple with and a few without the hat. If you don't like the photos, you don't have to order those!" Once they see the images though, they love them! Most tell me that they never thought they would look good in a hat! So don't fear the hats, yall:)

Thanks so much for joining us this week, Mindy!

Stay Stylish!Megan