What to Wear Wednesday...with Amanda Navarro

It's WTWW! The month of May will have a theme for all of the WTWW posts---Pantone Spring 2015 colors and 2015 color of the year! The color of the year is marsala, one of my faves for sure:) Amanda Navarro of Amanda Mae Photography is kicking things off!


"Hey guys Amanda here, so totally honored and excited to be here on SSG, woot woot! This month is all inspired by the PANTONE COLOR OF THE YEAR, MARSALA!

I began thinking about how I would incorporate Marsala into my sessions and I went through a few in the past and realized I utilize it a bit more than I thought and I actually adore this color. I have found that utilizing color in different and unique ways can help us stay inspired, while being constant with our style, flare and creativity. The ways I have been incorporating Marsala are within my clients wardrobe, makeup and backgrounds/locations.
When my clients book their sessions, we schedule an initial Meet & Greet where we can meet, talk about ideas for their sessions and ultimately prepare them for the planning process. I love how we talk about different aspects of wardrobe, from color combinations to complimentary colors, textures and patterns to even informing my clients to bring an arrangement of styles.
Senior Style Guide Senior Style Guide Senior Style Guide
With utilizing Marsala in these images, you can see different styles from a leather skirt, to a boho feel and even a simple cardigan. Green is red’s complimentary color which is why most of these images are in or around green backgrounds. It is very pleasing to the eye and provides a contrast completely focusing on the clients.
I do talk to my clients about makeup and what to expect; being that not every client has a makeup artist in our back pocket willing to fix our contour and highlight at the most crucial point of our days lol. (ugh, don’t we all wish!) Marsala was used in makeup with lipstick. Even though the color is similar, it is paired with several different accessories, and styles giving each client a completely different look from the next.
Senior Style Guide Senior Style Guide Senior Style Guide
When scheduling my sessions, I typically select the backgrounds and locations. I feel I can better plan accordingly; because I know what kind of light I’m looking for and what are my surroundings. I love utilizing my background to match my clients style and personality. With utilizing Marsala in the background, it adds that perfect touch of color without overbearing the clients, simply providing a soft yet focal point directly to the clients.
Senior Style Guide Senior Style Guide Senior Style Guide
Other ways you can utilize Marsala would be in your props, accessories or get your crew together and plan a fun and eventful day of shooting all inspired by Marsala! When combining color, textures and style together, it really does create a fun, inspired and creative environment. Making us super happy boss ladies (and boss dudes for the fellas) because we will be continually inspired, creative and ultimately giving our clients what they deserve; an amazing experience and pretty freaking gorgeous pictures!
Cheers To Marsala!
*clink clink* "
WOW Amanda, those images! Woohoo! And boy do I love the color marsala...such a rich color. Especially with makeup. Those lips! Thanks so much for joining us, Amanda!Be sure to check back in next week for more on this month's theme!
Stay Stylish!Megan