The Power Of Video | Jackie D. Palmer Films

wmeIMG_3970As you logged on to the Senior Style Guide blog this morning you may have noticed a very big change!  Our new brand film is gracing our header image area!  When we launched our new website earlier this year, I had planned for that area to contain our film.  I just didn't know who would film it or where it would take place.  In my mind I just knew this area would house the perfect day.Fast forward to April, after scouring through videos from some amazing videographers, I was told to check out Jackie D. Palmer Films.  Jackie was everything I had hoped for.  She was attentive,  she fit the feel of our new vision, willing to travel in my timeframe and eager to do this project with Senior Style Guide.  Every time I spoke with her I just knew she was the one to tackle a project of this scale.  She is a powerful storyteller and that is what I wanted.  It was the most important criteria for selection.  I wanted people to feel like they were in the film.  To know the story as it is unfolding.  And most importantly, to feel the energy of our location, styling and presence.wwwmona1As we drafted our story, I knew I wanted it to be a behind the scenes film for the magazine.  I wanted our readers to see what goes into a magazine shoot and the amazing styling that takes place to capture those perfect images.  It would all tie in to the ultimate new look of SSG.  The next big question was where?  And that led us to New York City!  We would be doing our first SSG Destination in June with Brooke Daniels in NYC.  This seemed like perfect timing for the film since Brooke would be shooting the majority of the magazine and the cover to give people an inside look into our destination events.  The timing, the styling by Brooke and the location could not have been more perfect!  I know it was all a perfect fit!wmeIMG_3461During our phone conversations the film grew and the ideas exploded.  Brooke's styling took center stage as she managed to pull off every single look she envisioned.  She left no stone unturned.  It really is amazing to watch her in action.wmeIMG_3817So Brooke, Jackie and myself took to the streets of NYC on our last day in the city.  The models were troopers as there were several changes of clothing and hair and makeup.  Our day was long but magical.  The models never once complained and were the epitome of grace.  The parents worked right beside us from trekking Central Park to traveling out into the middle of The Brooklyn Bridge!  Everyone helped out carrying wardrobe, gear and making sure the models and crew were comfortable! I got to witness NYC through Brooke's eyes and our readers were able to relive it through Jackie's film.  I can't even describe the energy from that day.  We were all living on pure adrenaline.  The weather was threatening us at every turn to the point that our start time for the film was moved to 6 am.  Yes you read that right!  Luckily we had the most amazing hair and makeup team on our side!  Who else is going to willingly get up that early and chase the weather? (A big Thank you to Bobby Pins and Blush and Courtney Hampton for the gorgeous looks!)  We had back up plan after back up plan for the day.  Jackie just kept smiling and filming!  Everyone's positivity paid off and the rain stayed away!wmeIMG_3564As crazy as the day was, Jackie created magic.  She told our story.  Everytime I see this film I am reminded just how lucky I am to have both Jackie and Brooke at my side.  I remember at the end of the day sitting in my hotel lobby with her thinking this is goodbye...NO it can't be!  I am going to miss watching her capture our story.  But really it was only goodnight as we were totally exhausted!  Expect to see more of Jackie's work at SSG real soon...wmeIMG_4179If you are on the fence about a film for your business, let me just give you a little nudge and say book Jackie.  You will not regret this investment in your business...I know I didn't.And to Jackie and Brooke, thank you so much!  New York City will forever hold a special place in my heart because of the two of you.IMG_1681xoxo,Vickie