Teens and Tweens on Model Crew...3 Reasons Why


I got asked why I photograph teens and tweens again today.  Specifically middle school and freshman aged clients. And why are they on Model Crew?  The WHY seems to be a big question anymore.  Ironically, I did not know my why at first. I created a line called Teen Spirit for the siblings of my senior clients. The impact of doing that has forever changed the look and feel of my business.  It happened and grew organically.  When I first started Teen Spirit, I wasn't sure how that would look or be a part of my business.  But I was open to the lesson and the adventure!Lets ask WHY?...So as this market is growing I wanted to do a quick blog post as 3 Reasons Why you should consider adding teens and or tweens to your model crew.

Reason #1

If you photograph them...they will be excited.

Excitement = Word Of Mouth

When I started photographing teens, I started booking more and more of their peers and people who follow them on social media.  Why?  Because they want this!  All of my teens and tweens are so excited for when it is their turn.  Make it their turn.  I was the first person in my local area to do this.  I saw a niche that was being ignored.  Let me tell you, heads turned when they started being added to model crew!  Get them added early and get them excited about the session and the process!  For instance, I had a session with an adorable 11 year old girl last October who couldn't get enough of her time in front of my lens.  When we started to leave the location, she said where are we going next?  I felt terrible for her because the session was over.  I instantly fell more in love with her.  She was all in.  She joined model crew the next month. She had been referred to me by another tween on model crew.  I can't even begin to tell you how excited she is to be a part of Crew.


Reason #2

Once they are on model crew they grow up in front of your lens

They don't get bored...they are waiting for what you will do next

I get asked all the time if the tweens and teens on model crew get their senior photos from me and the answer is yes 95% do.  I believe it is about managing expectations and keeping our businesses evolving.  Include them.  If you are trying a new technique or style, ask them to be your test subjects.  Working on a ad and want a new image?  Call them.  Keep them excited and guessing what might be around the corner for them!  Our businesses are constantly evolving so don't let fear of having them each year keep you from including them.  Plus, the more they are photographed by you...the more their friends and social media followers identify with you.


Reason #3

They get to hang with the big kids

Bigs/Littles...Create an opportunity to bond and mentor

My teens and tweens fit right in with my seniors on model crew.  Create an opportunity for them to bond and to learn from the "older" kids!  By the time our winter meet and greet shoot is over, everyone gets to know one another and bonds.  You have the opportunity to create a powerful community right there on Crew that translates to memories later.  That is the #ultimateteenexperience  Moms become friends with each other and also become a part of the experience.  A positive experience translates to your business being talked about in a organic non sales pitch way.  It is a win win for everyone.Still on the fence?  Schedule a session with a sibling of one of your senior clients or a family friend and see what happens.  I bet you will be shocked at how much fun you have.  Let me know how it goes!

