Taylor...Ballerina Senior Session

grace and so much more...This gorgeous session is from Jessika  of  Jessika Feltz Photography!  Jessika gets it.  She gets senior girls and what they want.  So I was beyond thrilled to see her submission come in!Taylor is a Class of 2011 Senior who is in love with ballet!  Jessika said she had been " studying ballet for most of her life, so she wanted to incorporate ballet into her senior session."  Taylor also wanted a city feel for her session and Jessika was happy to oblige.  They headed straight to Downtown Indianapolis.   Why downtown Indy?  Jessika said she felt "this location contrasted well with the ballerina costume and also complimented Taylor's other outfit choices.  Taylor, who is a huge Cubs fan, snuck in a little Cubs love!"Perfect use of mixing the unexpected for a session!  Taylor's gorgeous look was self styled with her mom on hand to be of assistance.  Of course Taylor's uber cooperative attitude made this session all the better!Love this Jessika!XOXO,Vickieindianapolis senior photographerindianapolis senior photographerindianapolis senior photographerindianapolis senior photographerindianapolis senior photographerindianapolis senior photographerindianapolis senior photographerindianapolis senior photographer