SSG Exclusive | Aubry Ramsey Photography

Today our SSG Exclusive is Aubry Ramsey Photography, located in Round Rock, TX! We love everything about this session, and we are excited to have your session as an SSG Exclusive!

Please describe the session: "As soon as our consultation call ended, I knew this session was going to be a blast! Madi told me she wanted a VW bus for her session and that she just wanted to have FUN. I was like YES!!! With a ton of hunting, I finally found this one and it was a prefect fit considering yellow is one of her favorite colors. I think it's pretty obvious that my camera loves her, but on top of her beauty she is one of the hardest working Seniors I know and always smiling and seeing the fun in life. I was so grateful for our sunny day because I knew I wanted to get those golden waves and gorgeous baby blues of hers into some "full sun" and she nailed it. Not to mention the amazing light we got inside the van.....<3. EEEKKK!!"

Tell us about the gear used: "I used my Canon 5D Markiii and a reflector. For lenses, I switched between my 70-200mm, 24-70mm and my 85mm."

What inspired this session? "Madi inspired!! Who she is and the things she loves is what inspired me to use the props we did (Dr. Pepper bottle, sunflowers, VW van). I invest a lot of time into my Seniors to get to know them and make sure that their images have little pieces of what they love in them so that in 10 years from now, the images will have value, instead of just a pretty picture. It's kind of like those Highlights magazines from when you were a kid. You look at the image and see little things here and there and they take you to a specific time in your life. Like "look at those stud earrings I am wearing in every image because they are what I always wear and that's ME" and "OMG, that Dr. Pepper I'm holding is what everyone knows is my favorite drink". 10 years from now, you will have moved on to a new favorite pair of earrings you wear all the time or a new favorite drink, but you will have these images to remind you of this time. I don't just pick what I think is cute and fitting for a pretty image. I take what is YOU and make it PERFECTLY UNIQUE! As long as you are being yourself, no one can you tell you that you are doing it wrong! :)"

What educational topic would you like to write about? "How do I truly make each session unique to that specific senior? I hear so many photographers say "I want to capture your story" and I love that, but what does that truly mean and are you truly doing it? I work really hard at truly capturing every Senior's unique story. Other people don't necessarily see this in the image because they don't know the story of the Senior, they just see a pretty picture. Taking a pretty picture is the easy part, making it unique to the that person and allowing them to go back to this time in their life every time they look at this image, is a whole other ballgame. I like to invest in my Seniors and get to know what makes them tick and what gets them excited. A perfect image I always use to describe "telling your story" is one that have in my IG feed (as well as my website) and it's a gorgeous Senior in a red dress lying on a quilt, reading a book with a bike propped up next to her as the sun is peaking through the spokes of her bike. To most, it's just a beautiful image of a Senior, but to this Senior and her family, it's her story. This young lady rides her bike to work everyday on this specific bike and loves flowers (which are in the basket). She is lying on a quilt that has sentimental value to her while wearing a dress her mom bought on her honeymoon 18 years ago and hasn't worn since. We are at a location that was her favorite reading spot as a child and she is holding her favorite childhood book. Everything about this image is HER, not me. I just took all the her "sugar and spice and everything nice" that makes her unique and created a beautiful image of her story. One day she will show this image to her children and it will be more than just "oh wow, look how young I was", it will be "See that dress right there, that belonged to Grandma and those books are the ones I read to you now........." Madi, in the images above may own a VW bus one day (she loves them that and tell her kids "See, I loved them back then too and, yup, I still love Dr. Pepper". There is only one you in this world, embrace it, own it and allow me to capture it! ;)"

Hair and Makeup Artist:

Faith Pieratt


Thank you for sharing your session with us Aubry! You can see more of Aubry's work on Instagram and Facebook!
