Specializing in Seniors ~ Model Programs, what I have learned!

I’ll start off by saying that I am NOT an expert at Senior Model Programs. I am in my 4th year of having a model program in place, and in my experience, I believe they work! They can be a tremendous way to grow your senior business. They have been for mine. There are many senior model programs out there that can help you out tremendously, if you are starting, or thinking of starting a model program. Senior Style Guide also has tremendous resources for this as well. But I wanted to share some of my own personal experience from the good old school of hard knocks.I started with 6 models for the class of 2012 and this year I have 30. Sounds great right? Well, let’s just say that it’s been an adventure. Not always easy. In fact, to be honest with you all, last year was probably my toughest year with model programs in general.I learned a few things the hard way, but the good news is that I have learned a few lessons that I believe are very VALUABLE. Lessons that CAN help your senior business grow. I’ll be sharing these over the next few weeks. For today, here is one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned._DSC9795FBSpokesmodels are WAY more interested in having FUN and attaining STATUS then they are with generating leads for you. They want to be recognized as a model and getting lots of LIKES on an image is WAY more important to them than getting a lead for you.It’s the truth, so don’t take it personal. I had to learn that the hard way. Use this to your advantage. Make it FUN and exciting! Make your spokesmodel program the ONE that everyone wants to be a part of. Go to FUN locations. Create an experience for them. Post KILLER images of your spokesmodels that will generate tons of LIKES. At the end of the day, THIS will help you. You may not see if directly in a lead generated, but it WILL create some BUZZ. Creating BUZZ is important for you! It will help create more awareness of your business among seniors and you will get noticed. LOTS of LIKES do translate into lots of leads for the future.  Getting noticed is important. Business LEADS start to come once you get noticed._DSC9723 copy1BlogNow… I DO have an incentive program for my models, and I DO get leads from them, don’t get me wrong, but the focus of my spokesmodel program has shifted. The expectations have shifted as well. I have learned to make it FUN, EXCITING and an ADVENTURE for them. They really do not want to see this as work or make much of an effort in getting you business. They want to have FUN, have great images to post and get lots of LIKES from their peers. They do this for status. IF it’s FUN – then they have something to share with their friends and that automatically SELLS your business for you!So I had to learn to “ease up” and make it super fun, for them AND for me! So far it’s working…I'll be sharing more of the lessons I've learned in 2 weeks, so check back with me!Until then... Happy Shootingpati p-01    www.patipakulisseniors.com