Senior Stunner Winner...Week Of July 8

There are some amazing red, white and blue images being posted to our wall.  Keep them coming throughout the rest of the month!Our judge for week 2 was Amanda Holloway Photography and she had a lot of beautiful images to choose from!  Here is what she had to say about this week's winner..."I just loved everything about this image! The colors of the truck behind her are so beautifully vintage and tie in to the whole theme really well. The thing that really got me was Bailey's (the model) expression. I think had she just been smiling, she would have been lost to the theme, but her expression allows your eye to come back to her every time. Instead of competing with the theme, it shows a wonderful balance between the theme and the model."So who captured this week's amazing image?  Hope Davis Photography!  This is gorgeous and I love the modern day Rosie The Riveter theme!  And many thanks to our wonderful judge Amanda Holloway!Senior StunnerXOXO,Vickie