Cindy Dover of Cindy Dover Photography was our guest judge for this past weeks' Senior Stunner image. She had a hard time selecting the winner from this weeks' entries! Congratulations Lori Waddell Photography!!Here is what Cindy had to say about the image … "This image has all the qualities of a well crafted senior portrait. I love the vintage feel and how it is incorporated through out the image. The color harmony draws your eye to the main subject, the girl. Your lighting is just soft enough to add to the old fashion look, but far from flat. The sharpness of the car and the softness of the background has great contrast. The senior's clothing, make up and hairstyle also works well with the overall feel of the portrait. Every time I view this image, I want to see more from this session. I bet you had a difficult time choosing the best to show!  Just STUNNING!"Well done Lori!!<3Stacy10295214_10202484937181091_5923369915118510417_o