Jim Meyer of Meyer Studio was our guest judge for this past weeks' Senior Stunner image. She had a hard time choosing the  winning image this week! Congratulations Peppin Photography!Here is what Jim had to say about the image … "It was an honor to asked to be a guest judge for Senior Style Guide again and it's always fun to look through and try to find an image that stands out and has that little extra something.  This time around was just as difficult to decide as last time, there is a lot of talent here on SSG!
The image I have chosen is from Peppin Photography!  There were several images that really stood out to me and it was hard to choose, BUT being a fan of using lighting to really create a scene for a portrait this one kept catching my attention.  So Peppin Photography, congratulations, I love the image, the lighting is well balanced, the colors are great, there is movement and it just rocks in my opinion."Well done Nathan!!<3Stacy10498444_10202292267378131_3884522825928190393_o