OK, we had some fabulous submissions this week and I absolutely just couldn't pick a I took the liberty of choosing 2 images this week to feature as our SENIOR GUY(S) OF THE WEEK!First, Congratulations to Jamie Smith Photography for their stunning black and white image!jamiesmith"I'm a sucker for a great black and white and I think this one was done perfectly! I like the intense gaze that he has and WOW those eyes! The texture in the brick and clothing adds a great dimension to everything. And I can't stop staring at those eyes! Great capture!" Second, Congratulations to Lisa Hobbs Photography for her moody image for SENIOR GUY OF THE WEEK!lisahobbs "I love a photographer that embraces the fact that not every photo has to be normal! The mood of this image is fantastic and the use of shadows is so cool. The casual pose and expression works great. And what about that outfit!! Fabulous style! I bet this is one of his favorites!"Thanks so much for sharing!christy signature

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