Savannah...Art and Style Collide

forest play...Look at today's beautiful senior session submitted by Christine Tonkin of Digi Smiles all the way from Houston, Texas!  Christine is one half of the amazing duo that makes up Digi Smiles.  The other fab half is her husband, Jeff!  Ok let me just say these images had me screaming from the rooftops.  I love love love them.  Especially the forest images.Christine said this session was so fun.  I can totally see why.  Does anyone else get that Savannah has a uber artsy vibe?  Her is Christine's take on the session "When I met with Savannah for her consultation, I knew for the most part we needed to make this session extra artsy and one of a kind. She had some fun clothing and prop ideas and from there the ideas started flowing. For her session we borrowed a fog machine and then realized that we needed to figure out a way to get power with a lot of wattage out in the middle of nowhere. A generator was the answer! We did not have one, but since we live in Texas where there is the chance of a hurricane and power loss we thought we should get one.  It is nice when you can justify a business expense for a personal need. Then we needed a big utility cart to lug all our equipment into the forest. We bought the portable generator from Costco and the heavy duty utility cart from Lowes. Thank God we bought a truck a few months back! LOL!"  Wow way to go beyond the norm!The weather decided it was not going to cooperate for this session but Savannah was a trooper and rocked these outfits despite the 104 degree heat at 6 in the evening!  One positive of the hot and sticky weather?  It kept the fog from blowing away too fast!"Savannah was a fantastic sport. Walking a good half a mile into the forest, then we draped fabric over her to use as a hooded cape. She must have been boiling hot at that point! She knew it was worth it."  Christine incorporated her own props into Savannah's session as well..."The top hat was one of my creations and the old candleholder was one of my antiques that my dad bought me when I was a kid!"Wow how to top any of that?  She had completed the rest of the session two hours earlier.  These also help complete the picture of Savannah's personal fun style.  The beautiful Japanese dress was made for Savannah's grandma many years ago.Could she have brought any more unique style to this shoot...?  Why yes!  "The photos in the red shirt and eyeglasses were screaming originality."Wow again and again is all I can say Christine!  Beautiful work!  Please don't be a stranger around here.XOXO,VickieHouston Senior Photographer Senior Style GuideHouston Senior Photographer Senior Style GuideHouston Senior Photographer Senior Style GuideHouston Senior Photographer Senior Style GuideHouston Senior Photographer Senior Style GuideHouston Senior Photographer Senior Style GuideHouston Senior Photographer Senior Style GuideHouston Senior Photographer Senior Style Guide