PUSH + The Snap Society
As if today has not been exciting enough right? I am thrilled to announce my good friend, Jamie Larson, of The Snap Society will be the "Official PUSH Correspondent" for this year's conference! What does that mean? It means Jamie will be taking over Senior Style Guide's Social Media during the conference. She will be reporting "on the fly" from the event (Please note: she will not be covering speakers during their presentations). She will be catching and interviewing speakers and attendees as they head into presentations and more. It is your backstage pass to all the excitement. Want to know what we are doing? Or how Latasha killed her presentation and everyone left with their minds blown? Or maybe you want a glimpse into Amanda Holloway's evening shoot? Or just stalk all our amazing speakers and attendees to see what fun they are having? Or just the general scoop of the event? How about who won the PUSH Image awards this year? Jamie will be there and will also be reporting results to all everyone!
And wait for it...She will be announcing the lineup for PUSH 2016 on our Social Media!Bottom line...Jamie will have you covered reporting via our social media with videos and photos throughout the whole conference!Be warned you will be a little jealous and will be counting down the days until PUSH 2016 goes on sale to the general public!Welcome Jamie!