On Our Radar | Jessica VanDerMark

Is there a photographer whose work you find yourself going back too again and again?  Maybe you have never heard of this photographer?  Perhaps they are “flying under the radar”?  It happens but I want to find those photographers. I want to celebrate their work.  2020 is the year of elevating those that may not be getting the attention they deserve in this industry and I am counting on our readers to lead the way!

Each month, we will be featuring an artist who is inspiring others, who may not necessarily be someone you have heard of.  From time to time, I will be enlisting the help of the SSG community to nominate an artist.  I want to hear their story, share their triumphs and hear what they are doing to make this dream of theirs a reality.  We can learn from others whether it be through inspiration, education or everything in between.

This community will only get stronger if we are there to uplift and give as many people as possible a voice.

Our “On Our Radar” artist this month is Jessica Vandermark of Jessica VanDerMark Seniors.

Nominated By:  Vickie Black

“I have watched Jessica’s work from the sidelines… long before I dove into the deep end with seniors. She is so real and approachable. I remember randomly messaging her on Facebook in September of 2011, (two months after I started Senior Style Guide) with a question and she replied immediately. That random kindness to a complete stranger stood out to me. Jessica was also in our very first print magazine! Go check out her website, I think you will love her as well.”

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Tell us a little about yourself...the things that make you YOU!

They say the easiest topic for someone to talk about is themselves but it’s SO HARD!  I am a Louisiana native – Cajun to be specific and if you know anything about the Cajun culture it has a lot to do with what makes me ME!  I am married with five kids ranging from 25 to 11 who keep life entertaining!  I’m a coastal girl having lived on all three coasts, but never the middle of the country and I can’t imagine NOT living near a coast.  Let’s see…I let a stranger drive me to my wedding in Manhattan if that helps give you a glimpse of my impulsive, trusting, and a little crazy, soul.  

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How long have you been shooting seniors?

Next year will be my 10 year anniversary

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What is your favorite style to photograph and why?

Personally, I LOVE street photography when I can get some downtime to shoot for myself.

Professionally, Editorial and timeless.  I want my seniors to be able to remember what the styles were like when they graduated but also give them portraits that can be heirloom pieces.  And I love the marriage of the two/

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What is your motto for work/life balance?  Especially your travel ball schedule with your daughter!

Not everything will get done and that’s ok. 

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Your super power is?

Well if I had one, life sure would be easier!  I have no clue how to answer this except that I do have a strange ability to remember something very specific about every single senior I have ever photographed.   People are always in shock when they say “you probably don’t remember me, but you took my senior portraits” only to have me answer with a very specific memory from their session.  Remember…some of my seniors are now from 10 years ago.   :O

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What was your aha moment in the senior industry with your business?

I can better service my clients by setting boundaries and practicing the word NO!  Like seriously…. I am a yes person by nature but when I truly realized saying no would actually make my clients and everyone in my life happier including myself it was life changing.

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Tell us about you most favorite place to photograph and why!

Well, when New Orleans is in your backyard….  If you have ever been to New Orleans I don’t have to explain it but if you haven’t, it’s truly a new set each and every day.  New characters, new backdrops and inspiration oozing out of every corner.

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What are your top 3 goals for 2020?

Break my top sales record

Increase my average sales per client

Be more purposeful with everything I do in business and personal life.

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What is the one thing you want all of us to know about YOU?  What will you be doing differently in 2020?

Gah!  Again, another tough one.  Okay…. Here is a good one.  I DON’T have it all together (Vickie can attest for that!) I have a great life and a great business but behind the curtain, it isn’t as pretty as it’s packaged on social media.

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How do you feel you run your business in a way to remain relevant?

Stay in the know with the trends.  Fashion, latest shows, etc.  I’m not saying I try to be a teen, but I do know their language.  The seniors 10 years ago are not the seniors I shoot today.  And the seniors I shoot today will not be like the ones in 10 years.   

That and making it an experience.  I know that point has been shared so many times before, but it is solid.  Experiences don’t go out of style and they aren’t trendy.   I have a genuine connection with my clients and I firmly believe it’s why I am here 10 years later.  

I love that Jessica is getting ready to celebrate 10 years in the senior market…Congrats!

Want to see more of Jessica? Go stalk her here:




Do you know someone who should be On Our Radar? Send me an email to info@seniorstyleguide and tell me all about them!



Vickie Black