Loving Our Selfies-This Is Not Goodbye

Life can sure throw us some curveballs, can’t it? Especially ones coming in the form of a sweet little bundle of joy! Yep, I’ve been MIA because I’m attempting to stay awake more than eight hours a day and not dry heave every waking moment. Sorry for that visual, but I’m one of the lucky ones who feels disgusting all. Day. Long. Yaaaaaaay me!Really, the point of this column is to thank you, all of you, for the support you’ve given me over the last 14 plus months of writing this column. It’s really helped me learn a lot about myself as a business owner and what I really want out of my life, and my hope is that you learned something too from all of my ramblings, rants, and just plain craziness.I’ve learned that I need to take care of my family and myself right now. I’ve learned that running a small business isn’t easy, at all, but it’s a job worth fighting for. I’ve learned that my brain never FREAKING stops with new ideas, sometimes crazy ideas, sometimes great ideas, and sometimes just plain, “what the hell are you thinking?!?!” ideas. I’ve learned that although this industry can be, ummm...let's say challenging with personalities? Most of us, most of YOU are amazing, supportive, and caring people whose talent blows my mind on a daily basis. I’ve learned that Loving Your Selfie is a process. Some days are easier than others; some days are more of a love/hate relationship kind of day with myself.Vickie Black. Gosh, Vickie Black. What you do for your industry is nothing short of magic. You’re an innovator, a cheerleader, a voice of reason, and a damn talented lady. I’m so grateful you gave me the opportunity to write a column in an area where I’m no where near an expert, but just willing to share my own trials, failures, and success in the hopes others might gain some kind of knowledge. I’ve had a lot of fun writing this thing and hope to pick it back up once I adjust to having two little monsters in my life. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me and support me. You. Are. Amazing.So, this isn’t goodbye…it’s a "See y’all later!" And an, "I will miss you in the mean time!" Although I may not be posting every two weeks, I’m still here to cheer you on. If you need a pick me up, or a reminder of how flipping sweet you are, just shoot me a message or post on my wall, I’ll make sure you know. Keep on truckin’, everyone. And keep on Loving Your Selfie!XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOclown baby 1 small