Loving Our Selfies-The {Photographer's} Clothing Conundrum

We’ve all had them; those days when nothing you wear seems to fit right or feel good. You feel bloated. The mirror is not showing you what you want to see. No matter what you put on, it just doesn’t work. Isn’t it so. Dang. Fruuuuuustrating?!?!From my experience, no matter how much confidence I have in myself, I still have those days. There seem to be more of those recently. As a gender, can we just blame it on the hormones? Yea, sorry fellas, but this post here is mostly for my gals out there, however, maybe it will help you understand the ladies in your life.As I’ve mentioned before, this column isn’t just about our clients’ confidence, but our own as well. With this being said, let’s talk clothing. I have to warn you all, I’m no fashionista. Since leaving the teaching world to have my daughter, where I actually dressed up everyday (except spirit Fridays!) in dresses, dress pants, button downs, heels, etc., I have worn a daily uniform of yoga pants or leggings and t-shirts layered with my “cute” Nike warm-up jackets (yep, bought it in four colors I loved the stupid thing so much).I don’t know about you, but when I go out on a shoot, I want to look and feel good, because that helps my inner confidence, but still feel comfy. It’s a difficult balance, especially in these hot, sticky, sweltering, summer months. Workout type clothing can be a great way to go. There are so many options, especially for us ladies, designed to wick sweat right off of us while still allowing us to feel good. My hubs bought me a pair of Nike leggings and I absolutely love them. Even when it’s hot, they aren’t so bad because they are meant to keep me cool. Pair that with the fact they suck my butt and thighs up and in, and BAM! Winner. (I just visited Marshall’s TODAY, Tuesday, and they have some amazing, knee and calf-length workout pants in a variety of patterns and colors. I bought three pairs…eeek!).Skirts can always be an option too. If I wear one shooting, it’s a maxi. And you best believe under that beast is a pair of sweat-wicking workout shorts. A long skirt, especially if you tie a knot in the bottom, is super easy to move around in. I’m sure we’ve all seen on Facebook “The CameraSutra” at one time or another (if you haven’t, Google Image it). If you shoot like me, you find your body in any number of questionable positions. When I say questionable, I mean, “How the heck did I get here?” Having clothing that allows you to move freely is important in our gig, but feeling good in it; total bonus.On top, I often wear a long tight(ish) tank and a flowy(ish) one over top. Or depending on my level of “hormone” inducing bloated feeling, I may wear a fitted one with a racerback. That way I know my “girls” will not Janet Jackson my poor clients. Under is almost always a sports bra, which goes perfectly with racerback tanks. (Also from Marshall’s today, a super cute gray flowy vest perfectly paired with leggings/yoga pants because it’s nice and long, but sleeveless as well! No armpit stains here!).(The photo below is an iPhone photo my friend took, it was cool out, so this is obviously more layers then most of us would wear now, but I just wanted to share a "field" photo!)IMG_0129SIDENOTE: As I write all of this and you read it, please don’t think I’m naïve to the fact that by time we are all done with a shoot, especially this time of year, “cute” has gone right out the window. I look like a drowned cat, but at least at the beginning of a shoot I feel good because I look good and at the end, even though I look washed out, I feel good because I wooooorked it.T-shirts are great options too. So many of you all out there have amazing shirts for your companies, show them off! Make it work with your bottoms of choice. Target sells great, cheap and comfy Ts in a number of colors. Or, find something cute from a local boutique that you can partner with (shout out to Ally and Wanderlust, Rochester, MI, check them out!).As for my long, curly and unruly hair, I need that up and out of my face. Either that, or I need to shave it all off. Although I was a tomboy, I have somehow become pretty decent at putting my hair in “updos” that look good, but don’t take too much time. Pinterest is always a good spot to search for easy, yet cute, dos for your hair if you want something other than a pony. I also love that buns are in fashion. They are easy, keep your hair off your neck and look amazing. If Pinterest doesn’t work for you, ask your stylist next time you see him or her. I’m sure most would be happy to share a few simple tricks to help trend up that updo. If it’s super humid out, which it usually is, I love to wear a bandana the retro way, folded thick and tied with the knot in front to keep my teeny curls up front from getting too out of control since they pop straight up and annoy the heck out of me. I have bandanas in just about every color because I’ve loved adorning my head with them since I was in middle school. You can find them at Hobby Lobby. Forever 21 has some ADORABLE headbands right now too, so check them out.Shoes. We can’t forget the shoes. Comfort is a must, but comfort can be stylish too. I found a pair of black slip on Pumas that are sooooo comfortable, but so cute as well. When I shoot weddings, I’m usually wearing those. I also have a pair of gray Pumas that aren’t running shoes, they are just sporty, but they look great with the athletic pants I wear to shoots. If a maxi is my outfit of choice, I will often just go with a comfortable pair of flip-flops. If I know I will be somewhere snakes are slithering around (KSW!!!) I don’t give a crap how flipping hot it is, my feet and legs are in boots. End of story. And you know what, when I do wear boots and I’m a little warm (as in about to pass out), I still feel good about myself because I’m obsessed with boots. Seriously…seriously.When it comes down to it, I suggest wearing what is comfortable for YOU, and what makes you FEEL good. The better you feel the better you shoot. I honestly believe that, so take my suggestions with a grain of salt.Next time: "The {Client’s} Clothing Conundrum".Be safe over the holiday, and Happy Birthday, America!Just a little pretty to leave you with...tm