Loving Our Selfies-Do It Your Way

I’m sitting here staring out the window as it rains attempting to come up with a topic for all of you lovely people. As I do this, it occurs to me, just stopping to stare at the rain, or “smell the roses” is a darn nice thing to do every once in a while.So many of you are FINALLY wrapping up an INSANE season of shooting, especially all my southern friends. You’ve been doused with rain, rescheduling, the spring loony clients who seem to come out of the woodwork because they chose to wait until the last minute to book a session and get upset that you can’t control the weather. Personally, I don’t have that issue up here in Michigan, but I know many of you are on the verge of a mental meltdown. AND THAT’S OK! But, guess what??? You are almost there; you’re in the homestretch. Just hold on a few more weeks and it will all be over. Then, you can stop and smell the proverbial roses. Enjoy your friends and families. And re-evaluate how to combat this next year.Katy VW_214 copyAfter Vickie’s post on SSG asking about our “Aha moments”, do you have one after this season? Some of my friends said they won’t schedule so many sessions so late in the spring for next year in case Mother Nature decides to be a feisty vixen again, they won’t be swamped with rescheduling. What will YOU do to make your life flow easier next spring? What can YOU do to not make you want to tear your hair out while throwing back a bottle of <insert fave adult beverage here> and editing until your eyes feel like they are going to bleed.Remember it’s OK to SAY NO! Just do it! If you need the money, by all means, get it guuuurl (or guy!), but if it’s all just too much, you know you will feel, better about yourself as a person and as a business owner to do it YOUR WAY. Isn’t that a Frank Sinatra song, “I Did It My Way’”? Gosh, I love me some Frankie.Boy, do I sound bossy or WHAT? I guess I am, always have been, sorry not sorry. I just don’t like seeing my photog friends so stressed they look they are about to snap. This doesn’t just apply to you southerners, but those of us who also try to squeeze in everything we can during our available shooting season. Alls I’m saying, really think about what you want for your businesses before overloading yourselves to the point of the meeeeeellllltdooooooown, cause ain’t nobody got time for dat!Southerners, you deserve a rest, a vacation, a nice tall cocktail (loaded or unloaded) of your choice, and a massage. For those of us just getting geared up for 2016, let’s do this. And let’s do it OUR WAY.BOOM.