Loving Our Selfies-A Promise to Myself

I almost want to puke with how cliché this whole column is going to turn out, so I might as well try to throw as many in here as I possibly can.With a new year, it’s time to turn over a new leaf, and in my case, that means getting my act together with the non-creative side of my business. QuickBooks. Need I say more? Some of you out there are wizards at this stuff, me, not so much. Honestly, it’s not because I can’t do it, because I can do anything I put my mind to (are we keeping count of the clichés yet?), it’s because I haven’t found the time or energy to want to do it. My hubby used to do it for me, but it’s not his job and I need to woman up and do it on my own. So, it’s out here in the universe now…****I WILL KEEP BETTER RECORDS AND USE MY QUICKBOOKS****Besides the “paperwork” portion of my business, I need to reflect on what I learned this past shooting season. One thing I’ve noticed is in different parts of the country, clients want different products we offer. Some regions like GYNORMOUS wall prints, some like digitals with reprinting rights, and yet some like small prints to hand out. So, I will dig deep and…****REDO MY PRODUCT LINE TO REFLECT THE NEEDS & WANTS OF MY CLIENTS****LI_110 copy Although these things will help my confidence as a photographer by feeling more prepared and professional, there is something I struggle with. If you haven’t noticed from reading my bi-monthly blogs, I’m a pretty open book (cliché). I wear my heart on my sleeve (and another one!). My whole life I’ve been called a “tough cookie” or “Tara the Tornado/Tiger/Terrible”, but even with being a rough-and-tough tomboy, I still have feelings. I can still struggle with self-esteem even at 33-years-old. I try and tell myself what people say about me doesn’t bother me, but I’m admitting to you all, here and now, I guess it really does. Not all of it, some things I am able to brush off and move right past, but other times, when it’s about my work which I take SO PERSONALLY, I want to first, throat punch someone, then sob. Which I’ve done (not the throat punch thing, that would NOT be good for my reputation, just the sobbing like a little baby thing.) So, this year, I’m resolving to…****NOT TAKE THINGS SO PERSONALLY****Lastly, although I give 110% to my business, I need to give 1000% to my family first. See why I need to work with QuickBooks? I obviously can’t add. I get so frantic trying to get everything done for my clients and other people I edit or design for, I’m not always taking in the fleeting moments I have with my fam, especially my 2-year-old. I “retired” from teaching high school to spend quality time with her, but sometimes I’m so worried about running a business I don’t focus. She’s starting pre-school already next year, so I need to make every moment at home with her count. So, instead of worrying about work when it’s not a workday, I will…****FOCUS ON MY FAMILY****What is YOUR resolution? Share below so we can all support and cheer one another along as the year goes by.Happy 2015, folks, make it your best year yet! (Oh, come on, you knew I had to end with a cliché if I started with one!)