Lets Get REAL For A Moment...


Instagram Part 2...I promised a few months ago there would be another blog post about how we could get our community more involved on our Instagram feed.  It is something I am very passionate about and have explored many options and ran them past industry leaders.  I want to see you and your work and have all of you more involved in the SSG community.  So here is blog post #2 (yes this means there is still at least one more coming!) Hint Hint...it will be about how we will be featuring YOU and getting to know YOU on our Instagram Stories.  Think #bts of your shoots, #weekinwednesday, #selfies and your images and SO VERY MUCH MORE! But that blog post will be next week with complete details of what is coming with Senior Style Guide's Instagram Stories!So back to part 2 of our instagram!Lets be honest.  We are not bulletproof and our businesses are not always social media perfect right?  Sometimes we get that client that is unreasonable, or completely drop the ball with our business. Maybe you forgot to order a client's order?  How did you overcome this and save face?  It happens.  Life happens.  Stuff happens.  But sometimes it feels like life and stuff happen only to us.  It feels beyond personal.  Does this sound at all like you?I am sure some of this resonates on some level with all of us...if we are honest.  Why do we only feel the need to put our successes out on social media?  There is no shame in something not being perfect.  The key is to pick ourselves back up and keep trying.If I have learned one thing in this industry, it is we can learn from each other.  The good, the bad and the ugly.  I know people have learned from my mistakes to make their businesses more successful. It is easy to see someone else's stuff but yet we don't share our own to get the help we need.  And there is so much to be learned from our mistakes and failures along the way.  It will make our businesses stronger and help others.  Lets be REAL for a second and say it out loud...the more transparent and authentic I am, the more people will get to know me.  That is so true on many levels and once we get to know people we can relate on such a greater level and be more effective.  And that is the goal of our community...to help build each other up and strengthen our businesses.  We can't do that if people are suffering in silence.I get that it is hard to put yourself out there.  But I want to hear from you.  I want things to get REAL...like now.  I am actively looking for those brave people who are committed to our community and want to share their vulnerabilities in business and how they persevered.  Is it your model crew?  Pricing?  In person sales? Bookings?  Whatever it is lets share.  Lets make this a stronger community and help each other out.Is that person you?  Do you want to be an important part of the solution?  If so, I am asking all to participate in a new column we have in the works at Senior Style Guide on our Instagram!  REAL Issues.  How will this column look?  Well I envision it to be multi faceted.  I am asking everyone who feels compelled to be a part of this conversation to contact me at info@seniorstyleguide.com and put in the subject line "I'm In!".  Lets open the dialogue to get the conversation rolling.  I will be scheduling you to be live on Instagram throughout the coming months.  I want our instagram to become an even stronger tool for you and by getting REAL, we get to know you on a more personal level and as a community can identify with you and rally behind your business to help you through whatever REAL issue you are currently facing.At the end of the day, our business issues are really not the mountains we make them.  It is amazing just how much better you feel putting it out there and the benefit it can have for our community as a whole.  So lets take the first step together and share our stories with one another.xoxo,Vickie