Kelsey...Gorgeous Farm Session

This gorgeous session comes from Carmen Leffert Rogers!  The setting was a private farm and this girl knew exactly what she wanted out of her senior session.  She brought with her "two of her horses and  brought along her small dog for some of the session."Once Carmen was finished photographing Kelsey with the animals it was time to switch gears for "some higher fashion type shots with a country flair."  Again, Kelsey was super prepared!  "Instead of shopping for clothing at the mall, Kelsey headed to her older sisters apartment and raided her closet ... right down to the shoes that she wore!"Kelsey's sister, Jayme was a good sport about it and "also came along to be her personal hairstylist and makeup artist."  What a great big sister!  As Carmen put it "something as simple aschanging your hairstyle during your session can bring a whole different look to your senior portraits."  This is why it is always important during a senior session to have someone there to help out.  The end result is so worth it!Carmen had a few tricks up her sleeve as well...she surprised the girls with a trek down a dusty dirt path!  Remember Kelsey was rockin' some fashionable gowns here but Carmen was in search of her golden light!  Afterwards seeing the end result the dirty feet were so worth it for Kelsey.Way to mix awesome light and a country field with high fashion Carmen!XOXO,VickieIndianapolis Senior PhotographerIndianapolis Senior PhotographerIndianapolis Senior PhotographerIndianapolis Senior PhotographerIndianapolis Senior PhotographerIndianapolis Senior Photographer