Kathy...City Senior Session

colors that pop...Today's submission comes all the way from Los Angeles, California...Holla!I am sooo in love with these images from Lauren Hurt!  She has an amazing gift with color.  Not only is the girl absolutely stunning but the colors are so rich and perfect! I love love love her style!Here is Lauren's take on the session:  "Kathy was a very soft spoken and intelligent girl when I first met with her and her mother to plan her session. I didn't know what to expect from her comfortability in front of the camera, but man, as soon as she took her glasses off she became someone else. She radiated and made the camera bow down to her."I chuckled out loud when I read that last line...made the camera bow down to her!  I have had some sessions where the girls just became the master in front of the lens so I got it.  Wow what a great session!Kathy's look was completely self styled.  Lauren said her "mom did her makeup (a little extra for the camera as I had mentioned to them) and they went shopping at Forever21 for some bright, flirty styles. My favorite outfit was her bright green traditional dress she had brought home from a trip to Korea. We had a blast running around to a few different locations including a residential neighborhood, rundown train yard, and an elementary school."Lauren major style points to you all the way around!  What a fab session...XOXO,Vickielos angeles california senior photographerlos angeles california senior photographerlos angeles california senior photographerlos angeles california senior photographerlos angeles california senior photographerlos angeles california senior photographerlos angeles california senior photographer