Introducing our online classes in the forum...Amanda Holloway Elite Client Management

inspiration...interaction...educationWe are super excited to announce the launch of our online classes in the forum!  These will be business boosters.  Think of it as perfecting, fine tuning or zeroing in on areas of your business that could use a little boost.  Each month we are going to bring you a new topic with a fabulous instructor!  This month to kick start the classes we are super excited to announce that the instructor will be Amanda Holloway!  Her Elite Client Management course is something you do not want to miss out on!  It is packed with information and the swag...definitely worth every penny! To sign up just click on the banner at the top of the blog that says enroll now!Check out the information below and be sure to sign up promptly because you do not want to miss out on this class!  Did we mention it is only $100?(Please note...students must be beyond a 150 mile radius of the Woodlands, Texas)XOXO,Vickie