
come be a part of our new community...Senior Style Guide is growing and we are so very excited to announce our new forum.  This forum will become a place for you, our readers, to create your own community with other photographers.When I started Senior Style Guide in August 2011 my vision was to create a place that would educate and inspire.  A community of peers working towards the same goal.  I started this vision with the blog where we feature gorgeous senior sessions daily.  The facebook page grew with each new posting.  Our community was sprouting!On September 15, 2012 we released our first bi-monthly print magazine.  This magazine was a dream realized.  Now our readers had a way to get valuable educational tools from photographers all over the country.  And they could be inspired by the beautiful images that graced the pages of this magazine.  It was a proud moment and I relive the excitement with each new issue.Now as we continue our growth and have met my original vision of providing inspiration and education, it is time to take it one step further...interaction.  This is the big one.  The forum.  I have tabled the idea of a forum for a while now because I just wasn't sure.  I recently revisited this idea and realized that now is the time.  Sure I could have started a facebook group but that in and of itself is limited.  And the search feature is very clunky to say the least.  So after much discussion with our peers we created The Senior Style Guide Forum.This forum is your place...your community.  It is brand new and ready to be molded as you see it.  The screen is ready to receive your words of advice, your questions and to view your images.  I can only dream of what you will make of it.  As with any forum it will only be as good as you make it.Stacy and I will be monitoring it closely because we want this to be a safe place to ask questions and to get the answers.  If other members or ourselves do not know the answer, we will work to find it for you.  And most importantly, we will not allow any member to be bullied or put down in any way for the questions or responses they give.  Bottom line...let's be respectful and remember we all have one goal in grow our businesses.  And think of the new like minded friends you are going to make along the way!Throughout the forum there will be some friendly faces you know and some you may not.  Get to know one another and be on the lookout for these people...Jim Meyer, Stephanie Newbold, Jessica Vandermark, Megan Bryant, Lisa Mason, Stacy Green and Vickie Black (me).  These people have volunteered to guide you and be mentors within the forum.  They are the friendly face in the hall on the first day of school.  Feel free to approach them!The forum will have an annual fee of $50 or a quarterly fee of $20 for those who just want to try it out.To enter the forum click here:Senior Style Guide ForumI am super excited for this opportunity to meet with each and everyone of you.  This will be the point of true interaction.  But please do not forget to check the blog and facebook page for your daily dose of inspiration, contests and call outs for the magazine.  Our goal is to provide you with so many tools that your toolbox is overflowing...XOXO,Vickie

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