HOT 100 2018 Winner | Cindy Arthur Photography

The 2019 HOT 100 contest is officially opened, and we are sharing the 2018 HOT 100 Winners winning images leading up to the end of the contest! To learn more about about how to enter, check out all the info here. Lots of new changes for this year's contest!

Here is the winning image from Cindy Arthur of Cindy Arthur Photography in the Backlit category, plus a few of her favorites from her session.

Here is the winning image.


Here are some favorites from the session, and a Cindy telling us more about the session.

“Hannah is the daughter of a high school friend of mine, I've know her since she was born! I was so excited about doing her senior portraits! We got a beautiful spring day but the wind was out of control! I was a little worried about it but as you can tell by the photo, it really worked in our favor! She was a pro and her photos turned out amazing, one of my favorite sessions to date!”

Congrats Cindy, and thank you for sharing! You can see more of Cindy's work on Instagram and Facebook!

To learn more about the 2019 HOT 100 contest, click here! Best of luck to everyone entering!
