Katie...Rocking The Fashion Wall

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Our  first Senior Style submission comes from Jeremy and Vickie Photographers located in Greencastle, IN.  Vickie wanted to create a Fashion Wall for a select few of her uber trendy clients.  However, she waited on “that client” before she introduced it!  Why not just put everyone on the wall?  “No, No and No” says Vickie!  It takes “a special girl to rock that fashion wall”….

Below Vickie explains how this “crazy idea” (as her husband Jeremy puts it) became a reality:

“I was patient…I waited…I listened…I was waiting for the one senior girl who wanted to let the world know she was everything and so much more.

My patience paid off-I waited months, asking leading questions hoping for the right response for this project in my head.  I met Katie’s mom and as she was describing her daughter for a senior lifestyle shoot, I just knew she was the one.  Katie had been away at school the last three years on a soccer scholarship.  She came back home to finish out her senior year.  She didn’t want any soccer photos…she wanted more.  I had not seen Katie yet but I had already envisioned her standing on that wall…a wall that had not yet been built.  One that only existed in my mind.  I asked her if she thought Katie would be up for something a little different…she couldn’t say yes fast enough.  Luckily not only did she have the same vision but enlisted the help of people to donate fashion magazines for the wall.  A LOT of fashion magazines as I wanted the entire radius wall covered (it is 12 feet long and 7 feet tall)!

I had the girl, the magazines, the vision…I just needed the time.  Oh the time!  I started putting the wall together as I envisioned it but spent 4 hours on an area that was 2 feet by 6 feet long.  A drop in the bucket as to what needed to be done to complete this.  Enter Amy, my wonderful assistant…she is quite frankly my Louise…she spent the next 19 hours recreating my vision perfectly.  I cannot thank her enough.

Katie arrived at her shoot with my vision in mind as she brought the perfect accessories and attitude to pull this whole project together.  I can only imagine what she must have thought about it up to that point.  She has only heard me talking about this awesome fashion wall in my head.  Once she stepped onto the wall she came alive.  She became so much more than what she is…she became who she is”.

This idea has been seen many times using newspaper, posters, magazines and such…but I believe Katie rocked Vickie’s vision!


Greencastle Senior Photographer JeremyandVickie.com

Greencastle Senior Photographer JeremyandVickie.com

Greencastle Senior Photographer JeremyandVickie.com