Feedback Friday...Brett Jarnagin Lightroom Retouching Toolkit!

How many of you use Lightroom?  I love it to cull and slightly adjust exposure.  What if you could just stay in Lightroom to do all of your editing?  No Way...Right?Well now you can!  I know I was skeptical too.  But once I tried Brett Jarnagin's new Lightroom Retouching Tool Kit I was sold!With these new retouching brushes-48 total you can do so much more right in Lightroom!  Brett has thought of everything from Color Enhancement to Eyes, Beauty Brushes, Whitening Teeth, Adjustment Brushes and so much more!  This will drastically cut your editing time because you can do it all in one place!Below is an example of a before and after.  In this photo I did basic color enhancements before hand.  Then I used the Eyes Green brush and the beauty brush.  This was a quick editing job to show you the difference.Senior Style GuideI am so excited to dig in deeper and use all the other brushes included in this Lightroom Retouching Tool Kit.  It does not surprise me that Brett was the one to create this.  He continues to excel within the photography community and he doesn't put his work out there unless it is perfect.And because Brett loves SSG you can use code SSG at checkout to save $10!To purchase this Lightroom Retouching Toolkit click HERE!I would love to see your before and after images!xoxo,Vickie