Featured Senior Session | The McCartneys Seniors

Today’s featured senior session is from Kelsy and Butch McCartney of The McCartneys Seniors located in Wausau, WI. Here is what this husband and wife team had to say about their senior session.


Please describe the session: “Each spring, we like to plan a studio portrait session with our new class of #McCartneysModels. Recently we had our Class of 2022 models into our studio for an editorial session. The girls are able to get to know one another and the result is an afternoon of fun, laughter, memories, and the start of new friendships!”

Tell us about the gear used: “All images captured with Fuji GFX 50s, GF 63mm f/2.8 and Zeiss 45mm f/2.8 with Contax adapter.”

What inspired this session? “The concept for this shoot was Denim meets Leather, and we included a bit of edge with a few pops of red & gold!”


Thank you for sharing! You can see more images from The McCartneys on Facebook and Instagram!
