Featured Senior Session | Aspynn Tabor Photography

Today’s we are featuring Aspynn Tabor Photography, located in Weatherford, Oklahoma. Here is what Aspynn had to say about her session!


Please describe the session: “For the first time, Aspynn Tabor Photography rented a world traveling Reclamation Design Company dress from Katie Denton. Each of my 2020 senior model team participants, the 2020 Golden Girls, were given the opportunity for a personalized styled shoot with the lovely, antique lace dress. Jesse Beck, one of the models, was so ecstatic to wear this beautiful piece and allowed me free, creative reign to style her and find locations to create whimsical photos with herself in the masterpiece. 
Local to western Oklahoma, we live in nature and beauty, if one knows where to look. I set off on a scouting expedition to find the perfect locations for a magical warm, late afternoon shoot. After finding the perfect places, we collaborated on hair and makeup styles. Ultimately, we ended up choosing a natural, fairytale-inspired look. 
Jesse is a wonderful addition to the Aspynn Tabor Photography model team. I like to pose my models and clients in a base pose. Then, I give them a sentence or descriptive feeling to enact with personal emotions to bring forth their personality. Jesse possesses a glowing, powerful personality that shines through in each of her images!”

Tell us about the gear used: “For this shoot, I used a Canon 6D camera and a 50mm lens. I purposefully kept the F stop number at 3.2. This allowed me to create a large amount of visual clarity within the subject area while adding depth to the background of the images.”

What inspired this session? “The inspiration for this session came from the beautiful Reclamation Design Company dress. Jesse and Aspynn Tabor Photography worked together to create a fanciful vision brought to life. Our goal was to showcase the beauty of each of the three elements we wanted to incorporate within the shoot: the dress, Jesse, and the native Oklahoma landscape.”

Hair and Makeup Artist: “Jesse Beck did fantastic on her own hair and makeup achieving the look we desired on her own!”

Thank you for sharing Aspynn. You can see more of Aspynn’s work on Facebook and Instagram!


Melissa Neck