Eye on Fashion|Grammy Inspiration

Fashion is everywhere! We see trends on TV, movies, magazines, store windows and our friends. Hollywood, though, is the epitome of the fashion world. Every award show and event is broken down by countless talk shows and publications. Best dressed and worst dressed are assesed. It is an amazing and crazy fashion whirlwind at these shows! So..why not draw some inspiration from the most recent, the 56th Grammy Awards?!

A favorite young star to look to for classy and trendy fashion is Taylor Swift! I just love her looks both this year and last! From her dress to her hair she is gorgeous. This year she went very classy with a simple, yet stunning ponytail. Last year she rocked a bohemian look and sweet braid. Take some cues from Taylor and suggest a ponytail or braid for a not-so-common hair look for your seniors!  - KRISTIE
