Eye on Fashion | TOMS
I am around teenagers...a lot...and I quickly saw these shoes become a fashion staple. Not only are they super comfortable they are supporting a great cause. Every pair of TOMS that are purchased gives a pair to someone in the world who otherwise would not have shoes. This company provides health services, education and well-being around the world! Spend some money on cute comfy shoes and give back. Sounds great to me! There are a variety of styles now. All of them are a great choice for finishing off the perfect senior session outfit. For the Fall I really like the Desert Wedge.It looks great with skinny jeans and a colorful scarf! - KRISTIE
Another great way to wear TOMS is to make a color statement! I had a senior wear a cute sundress with bright red TOMS and red lipstick. I love the outcome. Check out this to-die-for comfy outfit and the real life version below!
Photography by Kristie Bradley Photography - Virginia High School Senior Photographer