EYE ON FASHION | the 20's

for the next few posts, I'm going to be going back in time to take a look at fashion for the last 100 years...starting with the roaring 20's!the 20's was the first decade to enter into the modern era of fashion...especially for women!Coco Chanel was the first designer to ditch the corset (praise the Lord!) and to introduce the scandalous trouser for ladies!art deco and designing fashion to celebrate a more boyish shape also began during this era.hemlines shortened allowing for more movement to dance to the prominent movement of JAZZ.movies like Chicago, Titanic and now the Great Gatsby give us a theatrical visual to an age that simply sparkled and shimmied!it would be so fun to have days of the week where we still dressed up in the fringe-y, feather-y glamorous garb...but in lieu of having "costume" days, I think these two looks that I'm going to show you encompass some of the major design elements of the day while keeping it modern enough for your next senior session!as always, remember to "K.I.S." (keep it simple) when adding era-esque touches for full effect without crossing over into costume-land! :)and for you daring fashionista's...I've added a "FF|ACCESSORY" for those of you who want to push the envelope a bit more...


as always, MUCH love...if you feel like it, shoot me an image of YOUR session incorporating the ROARING 20's!you can find me here or over on my facebook page!